VTT Development Sector Overview




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Voice Tel TechDevelopment Sector OverviewApril 2013

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VTT- A Brief Introduction

Our Portfolio & Expertise

A Brief on Our Development Sector Engagements

A Quick View of Our Research, M&E Expertise and Projects Snapshot

Our Scalable MIS Solution for M&E and Research Surveys

Our Contact Information

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Capital Territory & Punjab


Lahore Multan

KP Peshawar




Established in 1992, is a strategy and management consulting firm with a diverse portfolio of services for the development sector…

Solutions for Development Sector

ICT Solutions Human Capital Management Telecom Solutions

Monitoring & Evaluation Design and Implementation

Social and Economic Policy Livelihood Development

Capacity Building Community Development

Solutions International Development Research and Analysis

Solutions Global Public Health Sustainability and Resource

Productivity Conflict and Disaster Management

• e-Enabled Business Transformation

• IT Strategy and Architecture• IT Governance• Integration and Development

Services• Services Management/

Outsourcing/ BPO• GIS Application• Mobile Banking Strategy and

Implementation • Technology for Operations (CRM,

SCM and ERP)• Value Added Services• Team Collaboration Portals

• Capacity Building and Empowerment• Organizational Analytics• Behavioral and Cultural Change• Organization Design and Alignment• Staff and Leadership Development• Performance Transformation• HCM Solutions Suite

• Competitiveness• Corporate Strategy• Project/Program Management• Business Process Modeling• CapEx and OpEx Management• Logistics Management• Change Management and

Transformation• Internal and External

Communications Management

Company Name: Voice Tel Tech (Private) Limited

Year of Establishment: 1992

Head Office: Islamabad (Pakistan)

Business Locations:

• Karachi (Sindh)• Lahore, Multan (Punjab)• Peshawar (KPK)• Quetta (Baluchistan)• Bagh (AJK)

Number of Employees: More than 150 (Full/Part Time)

VTT is an International Consultancy providing strategy and management services, helping the world’s top businesses, governments and other institutions. We have a strong international reputation for the efficient delivery of high impact projects and programmes in the development sector

Our projects support social and economic development, good governance, capacity building and empowerment and delivering improvements to the environment and infrastructure

Our Geographic Presence

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Our nationwide presence and the ability to rapidly scale and deploy for large development projects enables us

to hit the ground running while ensuring quality control

We are a team of thought leaders, sector specialists, academicians and development consultants with

experience of leading social sector projects across the globe

Diverse experience of managing strategy through implementation through execution lifecycles across large

scale donor funded projects

We bring our rigorous problem-solving expertise and objective, fact-based analysis to everything we do in the

development sector

A unique approach to development sector solutions, utilizing latest technological developments to build

sustainable solutions for delivering real impact

Currently engaged in a USAID funded, five-year Monitoring and Evaluation Project (MEP), providing impact

evaluations, baseline and end-line surveys, monitoring and verification services for various interventions being

carried out by USAID implementing partners in education, health, food, economic growth, microfinance,

community development, reconstruction and rehabilitation, NFIs, agriculture and WASH sectors

With a growing impact of aid projects in the country and with an urgent need to utilize this opportunity, our team

has been strategically focused on researching the needs for community development in the sectors of health,

Agriculture, Economic Growth and livelihood.

We bring latest consulting insights from all parts of the industry to enrich our unique development sector practice…

Some of our clients from the Development sector portfolio

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A glimpse of our development sector projects and initiatives which are reflective of VTT’s expertise in creating an enabling environment…

Project Name Sector(s) Client(s) Objective(s) Our Solution/Result Duration

Process Assessment and Document Census for the Malakand Grants Program

Livelihood SME Grants Program has launched to support the rehabilitation and recovery of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malakand Division, The purpose wasto conduct a detailed assessment of the functional processes needed to administer the Grants Program in order to successfully deliver on the Grants programThe challenge of this work was to develop effective processes and requirements QUICKLY to meet the urgent demands for rollout of USAID and PaRRSA.

VTT’s process development and optimization experts developed the functional processes for the FIRMS Malakand Grant Program. The effort includes background reading of Grants Manual and other program documentation, conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders and to utilize VTT’s experience and knowledge of international best practices to achieve optimized and practical process flows.

2.5 Months

E-Enablement and Capacity Building through Tele-Community Centres

Economic Growth

Plan International required assistance in devising strategies for upgrading the standard of living in rural communities, particularly for youth and farmer community of rural Punjab, Plan International wanted to connect the villages on the information highway in a way that will be directly beneficial for the communities. The solution required needed to have targeted information dissemination

• A working model was created for a novel ICT based solution for community development of rural Pakistan, The model provided the client with a community outreach solution for various complementary programs such as rural health initiatives, education and distance learning and livelihood programs.

• The model ensured job creation and promotion of Micro-Entrepreneurship in the rural communities

• The model can be further enhanced for the purpose of complete value-chain automation of agriculture, live stock and dairy.

2 Months

Provision of Institutional Support for ICT Led Activities

Economic Growth

To improve the competitiveness of the Pakistani economy by strengthening systems for workforce development, encourage Pakistani companies to invest in human capital, and improving access to training, Jobs and business opportunities for youth and women. The overall objective of this project is to improve employment for youth and women, increase their incomes and contribute to the sales of enterprises.

• Improved employment for youth and women, increased their incomes and contribute to the sales of enterprises

• Enabled the ABC to select and employ candidates with their requisite skill sets and training and benefit from high quality of human resource

• Enabled knowledge sharing and competency development through a learning management system

• Capacity Building of Pakistani institutions to produce high quality graduates with increased employability

4.5 Months

Exploring Overseas Employment Opportunities for Highly Skilled Pakistani Human Resource

Livelihood A study aimed at evaluating the overseas employment market for skilled Pakistani labor. The task of this desk study assignment was to design the methodology, explore and extrapolate the data, evaluate and benchmark the information, identify the gaps and define an implementation strategy

• Developed an effective overseas placement program for highly skilled Pakistani Human resource which will ensure maximum participation of women. 

• An implementation plan was developed that identifies opportunities evaluates the gaps which lie within the system and identifies a clear way forward for all stakeholders.

2 Months

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Project Name Sector(s) Client(s) Objective(s) Our Solution Duration

Strategy for Mobile Banking to increase the Outreach for Micro-Finance in Pakistan

Economic Growth

Kashf Foundation required to develop an extensive strategy to position Kashf (and its forthcoming Microfinance Bank) to effectively and persuasively approach the mobile operators with an appealing business proposition and come up with a Micro-Finance Mobile Banking Solution for pilot testing. The focus was to ease the payment process and increase the outreach for acquiring customers.

• An Optimal and Efficient working model for the implementation of Micro-Finance Mobile banking in the country was created. The Client acquired a better understanding of the business rationale for the mobile phone companies for testing the micro-finance market

• A complete outreach model was created which ensured ease of payment for Micro-Finance customers while reducing the transaction cost

3.5 Months

IT Based Remote Patient Monitoring System for Rural Population

Health In collaboration with

This initiative is a precise illustration of how IT infrastructure and IT based skill sets can enhance the capacity of lady health workers in rural areas to significantly increase their efficiency through liaison with a centralized specialist doctor.

• The Health Sector will benefit from the advancements in communication technology and will be able to improve the quality of health service in the country by providing health care at the customer’s doorstep. Collaboration of Academia, IT sector and the Health sector will result in increased use of Information and Communication.

• This project will enable the government to fulfill its dream of providing basic medical facilities to all its citizens especially those living in remote areas.

• As a result of this project, the people living in remote areas will be delivered with a better quality health service.

2 Months

Strategic Value Addition Initiatives for the Agriculture Sector

Agriculture VTT’s Initiative The sector requires significant intervention from the public and private stakeholders for improving its efficiency, with the help of modern day tools. However new systems implementation also requires the following considerations:• A high tech barrier to benefit from system, whereas low

tech customers (farmers, retailers)• Even if the tech barrier is lowered by making simple

systems and localized content, adaptation to technology can be very challenging

• These initiatives are among the pioneering efforts for utilizing information technology and latest communication tools to empower the agri-sector in Pakistan

• These initiatives will be a concrete step for increasing value chain efficiency as it will remove the actors which do not add value to the final product

• This will create a nationwide impact which will be translated into an increase in the agricultural produce, better value for product, hence an improvement in the standard of living for millions of families

1.5 Month

Some of our Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Assessments, Baseline Surveys, Research Survey Engagements are mentioned in later sections

A glimpse of our development sector projects and initiatives which are reflective of VTT’s expertise in creating an enabling environment…Cont..)

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We effectively plan field activities, implement rigorous quality control mechanisms,

specify & correct operational gaps, conduct impact evaluations and point out

opportunities for creating enabling environments, which help in creating improved

program management decisions

We use “result-based monitoring approaches” and “participatory methods” for

performance monitoring; for evaluations we follow “development assistance

criteria” (DAC) and use experimental and non-experimental evaluation techniques.

We identify key elements of a comprehensive M&E system and describe key steps

to strengthening or establishing an M&E system

We determine appropriate data collection methods, ascertain statistically

acceptable sample size, select sample frames, and develop research tools

We analyze large data sets and process meaningful reports for our clients.

Our Monitoring and Evaluation expert team utilizes a fusion of proven methodologies, logistics and stringent operations management…

Monitoring & Evaluation Tools and Methods:The data monitoring tools and methods utilized by our team for implementing the M&E Framework includes:  Desk reviews of Monitoring Data. Administrative Compliance Checklists Field Surveys (HH and facility level) Focus group discussions Key informant interviews

In-depth interviews KAP surveys Observations Success stories Photographs that can be geo-referenced

Our strategically placed offices across Pakistan ensure our ability to rapidly mobilize field teams for nationwide data collection activities Coverage Widespread access to all targeted regions

- 5 field offices and 2 regional offices, with headquarters in Islamabad

- Field offices fully functional and ready to mobilize- Ability to rapidly scale deployment throughout the


Field Staff 4 permanent Field Coordinators, 31 field staff members including enumerators, data entry, and IT personnel

Gender-balanced survey teams recruited from specific regions

Logistics and Quality Control

Security Planning is conducted for each region to ensure smooth execution of activities*

Online MIS- Tracks activity schedule, work plan, monitoring

framework & project deliverables- Ensures achievement of project objectives- Facilitates planning of field activities, - Inbuilt processes ensure contingency measures

for discrepancies, delays and so forth. Rapid deployment of intermittent field teams for

large-scale survey & research engagements

Community Mobilization

Local field staff utilize established networks with community based organizations, officials, and union council members to:- Readily access communities- Conduct focus groups and gauge local

perceptions Long-term partnerships with community &

government officials across the country. This network is important for smooth execution of field activities and mobility of field staff.

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Our Concept and Methodology for M&E and survey exercises is a concise process, tried and tested in various prior M&E initiatives.

Objective Analysis Project Design On Ground Execution Analysis & Reporting

Collect & Internalize Project Documents

Develop Hypothesis

Ensure Enabling Environment Readiness

Prioritize KPIs & Develop Frameworks

Develop Tools and Methods

Prepare Roll-Out Plan

Resource Training and Team Mobilization

Conduct Surveys and Data Collection

Manage Logistics for M&E Activities

Data Processing and Cleansing

Statistical Data Analysis

Periodic and Final Reporting













Quality Control & Oversight MechanismsCross-cutting Themes

MIS/GIS based Support System

VTT’s past experience with M&E and research activities led us in building a robust project delivery mechanism…

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VTT has carried out more than 20 M&E related projects and conducted 8400+ individual interviews and 200+ FGDs through out the country in past 5 years…

In Past, VTT has contracted by several INGO’s and NGO to provide services in the fields of Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Data Management in the following sectors:

Agriculture Health Emergency Relief WASH Livelihood Shelter & Transition Economic Growth Education











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243 203


VTT M&E Sector wise Surveys conducted in Pakistan

Below illustrates a number of the clients and their IPs, which VTT has undertaken projects

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Since 2009, VTT is significantly engaged with Monitoring & Evaluation and Survey & Research Activities, with large INGOs and their implementing partners in Pakistan…

Project Name Sector(s) Client(s) Objective(s) IP(s) Sample Size Data Collection Approach Duration Sample Point(s)Resources


Malakand Survey Project

HealthEducationWaterAgricultureMicro Economy

To collect baseline data for vulnerability assessment/Data mapping on GIS App.

NA450 villages

(120 indicators)

Secondary and Primary data collection in 50 Ucs of Malakand Division

12 months50 UCs of Malakand Division


M&A of Flood Relief Activities in KPK

AgricultureHealthEmergency ReliefWASHLivelihoodShelterEconomic Growth

Independent third party monitoring and assessment of USAID's flood relief activities in KPK.



Individual Survey through Exit PollHousehold level surveysObservationsSuccess storiesKAP surveys

12 months 11 districts of KPK 15

M&A of Flood Relief Activities in Punjab

AgricultureHealthEmergency ReliefWASHLivelihoodShelterEconomic Growth

Independent third party monitoring and assessment of USAID's flood relief activities in Punjab.



Individual Survey through Exit PollHousehold level surveysObservationsSuccess stories

12 months12 districts of Punjab


Benazir Income Support Program under BSM

Cash Grant AssistanceMonitoring and evaluation of USAID's budget support to BISP's G2P Program

BISP 383HH Level female beneficiaries interviews

2 months

13 districts of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK and GB.


IDP Support Program under BSM

Cash Grant AssistanceTo verify if the IDPs have received the cash assistance.

Cabinet DivisionNADRAUBL

382HH Level beneficiaries interviews

1.5 months Malakand Division 12

Housing & other Resettlment Needs, under PaRRSA

HousingTo verify if the housing damage assistance was given to families of conflict-affected areas.

PaRRSA 69HH Level beneficiaries interviews

3 weeksSwat & Buner Districts


University Operating Budget under HEC


To monitor the GOP's performance in using the financial assistance from USAID.

HEC 78F2F and Telephonic interviews of university officials & students

1 month10 Universities of Pakistan


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Project Name Sector(s) Client(s) Objective(s) IP(s) Sample Size Data Collection Approach Duration Sample Point(s)Resources


University Development Program under HEC


To monitor the University Development Program in 11 universities of Pakistan



Key informant interviews with university officialsSites visits & observationsFocus group discussions with students

1.5 months11 universities of Pakistan


Sindh Basic Education Program under MEP

EducationTo verify the schools' data collected by 3rd party.

GoS 50 schoolsF2F surveys with head teachersSchool visits & observations

1 week

50 schools of Sukkur and Khairpur Districts of Sindh


M&E to OFDA's 2011 Flood Relief Grants to IMC


To verify and validate Water & Sanitation Projects funded by OFDA

IMC 677

HH Level beneficiaries interviewsDirect observations of projects

1.5 months 5 districts of Sindh 14

WFP PRRO Complex Emergency Program

Emergency ReliefTo verify WFP's IPs' relief and recovery operations in KPK


336Warehouse inspectionsSurveys through Exit Polls

2 weeks 5 Districts of KPK 14

Merit & Need Based Scholarship Program

EducationTo conduct the evaluation of MNBSP scholarship program

HEC 350Telephonic Interviews with the Alumni through MNBSP

3 Weeks All Provinces 7

Pakistan Expanded Regional Stabilization Initiative- Gender Analysis

LivelihoodEducationHealthGBVAccess to Services & RightsPolitical Decision making

To gather baseline information that would enable USAID to determine future development activities with the aspect of gender


(FGDs)Focus Group Discussions 1.5 months

6 Districts of South Punjab5 Districts of North Sindh4 Towns of Karachi


Municipal Services Program in Sindh and KPK

Water & Sanitation

To conduct a baseline survey and focus group discussions with the locals of Peshwar and Jacobabad districts to understand the current status of municipal services.

NA1600 (HH Surveys)

14 (FGDs)

Household surveysFocus group discussionsObservations

1 month

25 UCs of Peshawar (KPK)8 UCs of Jacobabad (Sindh)


Fulbright Scholarship Program


To conduct online and telephone surveys of Fulbright Alumni for the impact evaluation of scholarship program.

USEFP 616Online surveysTelephonic interviews

1 monthBoth in Pakistan and Abroad


Since 2009, VTT is significantly engaged with Monitoring & Evaluation and Survey & Research Activities, with large INGOs and their implementing partners in Pakistan…(Cont..)

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Our seasoned software development team possesses rigorous

experience in designing/implementing enterprise-grade solutions,

tailor made for the specific needs of our development sector

clients. Our indigenously developed Monitoring & Evaluation

Support Tool (MEST) offers the following key attributes and


Track progress and evaluate impact of programs

Visualize data from the various survey and evaluation

activities and provide users with an interface for real-time

reporting based on the clients reporting requirements.

Assist in management of resources, improving accountability,

coordination between various implementing

partners/stakeholders, and leverages support in decision-


VTT specializes in developing customized solutions, tailor made for the needs of our development sector clients…

Provide collaboration platform, contacts management, online availability of research instruments, picture/video library,

real-time data entry, and synchronization with hand-held GSM devices

Integration with other web-based mapping components developed by third parties, thus providing a comprehensive

platform for double data entry, analysis, reporting and presentation

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Rizwan Shoukat

CEO/Managing Partner Voice Tel Tech (Pvt.) Ltd.

Office 201, Block-8, School Road, F-6 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel : +92 (51) 2276284-5Cell: +92 (300) 8540800Fax : +92 (51) 2275138Email: rizwans@voiceteltech.comWeb: www.voiceteltech.com

Contact Information
