Use of On-site Power Generators for Public and Private Events



At Worldwide Power Products ( ), we specialize in power generation equipment including new and used engines and generator sets. WPP specializes in providing generators for sporting, business, music and leisure events, including festivals and wedding receptions ( ). Call at 1-713-434-2300.

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Use of On-site Power Generators for Public and Private Events

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Every event has a lot going on behind the scenes that the audience or guests never sees and cannot fully appreciate. It doesn't matter if your event is public or private, outdoor or indoor, small or big, you need reliable power to make it a great success.


» For entertainment facilities, cancellation of money-spinning events even for brief periods of time amounts to huge losses of revenue. For example, an extended power outage in a casino can translate into losses of more than US$ 1mn per day.

Many venues host a large number of events each year, so it makes much more sense to have a generator:

• Sporting Events• Festivals & Concerts• Business Events• Marquees: Weddings, Fairs & Hospitality• Leisure Events

Some venues host a relatively small number of events each year, so it makes much more sense to hire a generator than to buy.

WPP can provide temporary generator power on any scale, from private wedding receptions to outdoor program for corporate hospitality.



Some cities have mandatory local codes for standby power for various types of commercial and public buildings to ensure life safety in the event of a significant utility outage.


» Sufficient backup power is necessary depending upon the nature and size of the building to operate:

• Emergency Lighting• Elevators• Fire Fighting Pumps

From major sport events to wedding receptions, WPP have extensive experience in delivering and installing power for special events.


» We offer super-silent generators too as they run quietly, so they won't get in the way of your event. Contact us today.

At Worldwide Power Products, we specialize in power generation equipment including over 100 new and used engines and generator

sets for the industrial, marine, and petroleum industries.

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