United Way of North Central Florida: Leader of the Future



Leadership development class for United Way of North Central Florida 04.25.14

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Leader of the Future

Ever had a BAD leader???

Ever had a GREAT leader???

Nothing is small…

There is a LOT at stake…

The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner

I want a leader who will: Tell me the TRUTH. Has a clear vision for

where we are going. Has the skills to get

us there successfully. Is excited about going

with me.And will treat me

fairly and support me along the way.

10,000 + High Potential / High Performance

C-Level Fortune 100

# 1 = Caring… make a positive difference

Honesty & Integrity

Be a REAL Team Player

Have a CLEAR Vision

Passion & Courage

Dignity & Respect

Lead with Trust

Uncommon Competence

Think Long-Term


Workshop: Personal Leadership Philosophy

• When values are clear, decisions are easy.STUDY pages X – XXWorkshop on page XX

Top 5 Characteristic of a Community Leader

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to send a note or call. My email address is: john@johnspence.com

My twitter address is: @awesomelysimple

*** Please connect with me on LinkedIn ***Also, you might find value in the ideas I share in my blog. You can sign up for it at:

