Unit 64 motion graphics




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  • 1. Unit 64:Motion Graphics and Video Compositing Introduction: For this assignment I will need to research a range of examples of motion graphics to include as part of my audio visual presentation

2. Motion Graphics Motion graphics is a type of footage or animation that people use to create the illusion of motion. Nowadays it would be unlikely for you to see a advert or intro of a show not using motion graphics. Motion Graphics are usually added with for it to relate more to films than static info graphics. Motion graphics is the best way to catch the audiences eye quickly and allows you to deliver words and images with impact But, Info graphics is also a great way to attract the audiences with their different use of shapes and colours, great way to illustrate a central point 3. Film Title sequenceThe film title sequence I have chose is Casino Royale. As you could see at the start Daniel Craig shoots out a bullet but the camera is aimed on him as a barrel shape, which seems to be inspired by the 1953 British version. But the fact there was a bullet shot out then the 8 red hearts appear after the blood, suggest the heart not only represents cards but also involved bonds love story. Throughout the title sequence clubs, hearts and spades cards are being shot around which relates to the title Casino as they play cards their. The choice of colours and music they use forms a climax to make the title sequence more interesting and amusing to see. 4. TV show graphics The TV show graphic I have chose is Mad Men AMC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg87wqGpX1o The title sequence shows a business man in a suit enters his office but then is falling from a height with reflection of past advertising posters and billboards on the window and the fact they play A beautiful mine as the audio could suggest his job which is his beautiful mine is creating stress on his mind leading his spirit to fall down and feel low. On 0:21 you see a reflection of a woman's foot lifting up while his falling on to it which could suggest not even his wife/women could make him feel happy once he enters that office. As you could see while his falling when you see faces on the reflection of the window all eyes are on him which could suggest everyone relies on him so it builds stress on his head. At the end 0:32 when Mad Men pops up you see a shape of a cigarette in the business man hand, which backs me up on the fact of him being stress and leading to smoking to release that. 5. Computer game motion graphic For computer game motion graphics I chose Halo 5 trailer which isnt out yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fEKcOK8gno The reason why I chose this is because the way they use motion graphics to relate to the game is interesting. The scene is set on a spaced out land of sand and the Flood is walking towards something but looks lost looking down. So then they show the floods shadow which could suggest hes following the direction of his shadow and this is ironic because as he reaches the top and stops, the shadow disappears and then a robotic kind of graphic raises from underground and faces him which could suggest hes facing his own power. If you pause it at 1:33 you see the full structure of the robot and at he side of it is dark clouds but behind it, the clouds are clear and blue shining on the robot giving the image a bigger effect so that the audience could clearly see what the flood has to go against. At 1:46 you see a reflection off the helmet of a bright light which could suggest the robot is charging up to do an attack. 6. TV Advert I chose channel 4 advert http://vimeo.com/32366249 The use of colours they use is very eye catchy and mixes with the motion graphic they use. Also, theyre very consistant with the colours they use for channel 4 which make the audiences for channel 4 feel at home. Its like theyre playing with puzzles to create the channel 4 logo which attracts the younger part of channel 4 as well. 7. Music Video Kanye west- Power http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L53gjP-TtGE This video shows how Kanye west is trying to be different. The key frame rate of this video is 25. Kanye west is the only one looking into the camera while the rest are playing role suggesting hes the main image of the whole scene. 8. Internet banner graphic http://www.gearslutz.com/board/ The internet banner graphic on the top right flashes different info about music which helps promote the audio interface and master clock. The fact that it blanks out then pops up with another info catches the audiences eye and makes them want to read on what the interface and master clock is about.