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Presenter :Maha H


Table of contents:Topic S.no

What is Unemployment? 1.

Types of Unemployment 2.

How to reduce Unemployment? 3.

Unemployment curves 4.

What is Unemployment?

It is a state where a person is available and is willing to work but remains un-hired. It is expressed as percentage of the total available labour force and the level of unemployment can vary with the economic conditions and other circumstances.

Types of Unemployment

Structural Unemployment

Frictional Unemployment

Technological Unemployment

Seasonal Unemployment

Cyclical Unemployment

Hidden Unemployment

Residual Unemployment

Unemployment can be reduced by:

Increased Government Expenditure

Lower Taxation

Lower interest rates

Depreciation of the exchange rate

Regional policy incentives

Investment in worker training

Employment Subsidies

Unemployment curves

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job,it's a depression when you lose

your own .   . Harry S Truma

Unemployment Quote



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