TVD - Personal Brands (Drexel U.)




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Building the MOST Important Brand…YOURS

Todd Von DeakVP – Membership and Marketing

Society of Hospital Medicine

Drexel University - CEO Program

April 20, 2009

Tonight’s Goals

- Understand What a Brand Is- Appreciate Why Your Personal Brand Matters

- Start to Figure Out Your Personal Brand - Begin to Create Your Own Personal Brand Management Plan

A Little Bit About Me…

What is a Brand?

A Brand Is….

What do you think about a product when the product isn’t around to tell you how great it is or what it can do for you…

Does Your Personal Brand Matter?


Who is Defining Your Brand?

If it’s Not You… It’s SOMEONE ELSE…

• Do you finish your work on time?

• Can you solve problems before they become a crisis?

• Are you reliable? Dependable?

• Will you bail me out of a jam?

• How will you help others become better at their jobs? As people?

Think Features + Benefits

What Do You Want Your Brand to Be?

What are you GREAT at?What makes you different?

Where can you make an impact?What can you brag about?

What’s your passion?

And the Big Question…

What do you want to be famous for?

The Clock is Ticking Already…

How are you going to create a Personal Brand…

That Stands Out in a Sea of Resumes???

Your Competitive Advantage…

This Was Fun…Thanks


If I can
