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Achievements and revenue


For years, Heineken is considered the most successful beer brands and is an icon in the industry


Heinken is the leading beer brand, and is considered the No. 1 imported beer in the United States

Heineken is present everywhere

Heineken NV

110 brewing plants in more than 60 countries

, The volume of beer production up to 109 million annual hectolit


+"Its net profit growth higher than 10% compared to the same period last year

Since last year, the company's revenue rose 13 percent to 4.62 billion euros

Heineken and tigerHeineken beer brand owned Tiger, for SGD $ 5.1 billion, equivalent to $ 4.1 billion.

+ Heineken be ADSA put "Beer Category Launch of the year" award and accounted for 3 of PR (PR Week Awards), packaging and advertising through radio Grocer magazine's annual awards for advertising and marketing