Trademob - Best practices banner design for Mobile App Promotion

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First impressions count for a lot. Your banner design speak volumes about your app – in just a few seconds. Get it right and you’ll attract many new, loyal users.

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First impressions count for a lot. Your banner design speak volumes

about your app – in just a few seconds. Get it right and you’ll attract

many new, loyal users.

Make our best practices for banner design your starting point for effective banner design:

1. Know your purpose!

Always think about the reasons behind your design, colours and text. The aim of banner ads

for mobile apps is simple: to attract your target audience so that they clickthrough to your

app. Your ultimate goal should be to drive the number of downloads from loyal users who

will actively and frequently use your app. You should design your banners with this in mind.

Be precise and honest about the app’s functionality and the benefits to the user.

2. Learn the geography of a perfect banner

Well-designed banners consist of the right design elements coupled with a considered

approach to layout. You only have a few seconds to convert, so think about where the user‘s

eye will be drawn to first. Design your banner to be read from left to right or from top to

bottom. Place your call-to-action towards the bottom or in the lower right corner.

Best practices: Banner design

for Mobile App Promotion

Refer to your app‘s name or your brand (if very recognizable)

Make it obvious what your app is for

For a quick, big impact, use a short catchy message or concrete wording

Highlight a strong call-to-action

button or text which stands out

3. Design for the small screen

Always visualize your banner ads on small device

screens. Make sure everything is visible even with

limited screen resolution. Keep your design clean

with contrasting colors that stand out. Use only a

few different elements in order to keep the focus

on the main message. Incorporate a relevant image

that is clear and easy to see.

4. Target your users

Use your banner design to target the right kind

of potential users for your app. Gear your picture,

layout and wording towards your target audience

as this will strongly affect your click-to-download

conversion rates and loyal user acquisition.

You should also adapt your designs when you

incorporate new features with a new update, or

with a particular season or special event.

5. A/B banner testing

Designing according to our best

practices is the first step. For

finetuning and optimization, you

should run A/B banner testing to

find the best-performing banners.

With detailed campaign tracking, you

can identify which banners delivered

best in terms of your relevant KPIs,

and optimize the details like wording

and images.

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ü Think about the ‘why’. Know your overall marketing goals

and design your ads accordingly.

ü Use the right elements. App name or company brand, call-to-

action, short description and image all

help to sell your message.

ü Design for mobile screens. Low resolutions and small screen sizes

mean you must pay extra attention to

clarity and aesthetics.

ü Track and optimize with A/B testing. Banner type is one of many campaign

settings. Identify the best designs for


× Unnecessary images. Things get messy if you don‘t keep

them simple.

× Too much text. Users won‘t take the time to read more

than a few words! Be succinct and


× Misleading information. You‘re asking for low conversion rates if

you go down this road.

× Unclear presentation. Can your potential users tell what your

app does in three seconds? If the answer

is no: think again, be obvious.


Do’s and don’ts for mobile banner design
