Top Myths That Prevent You From Investing In Mobile Ads

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Top Myths That Prevent You From

Investing In Mobile Ads

Top Myths That Prevent You

From Investing In

Mobile AdsWhile on one hand, many well-known, lesser-known and unknown

businesses have collectively spent millions on mobile advertising in the

past few years, inhibitions in this direction still rule the majority of

business minds. Owing to a number of myths that surround mobile ads

and mobile marketing, there is reluctance over including the trend in

the overall marketing campaigns.

Top Myths That Prevent You

From Investing In Mobile Ads

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are only for mobile

users on the go

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are only for mobile

users on the goMobile ads work only if my business is youth-oriented

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are only for mobile

users on the goMobile ads work only if my business is youth-oriented

Mobile advertising requires complex

application development

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are only for mobile

users on the goMobile ads work only if my business is youth-oriented

Mobile advertising requires complex

application development

Mobile Ads Lack Priority And Are Ignored

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are only for mobile

users on the goMobile ads work only if my business is youth-oriented

Mobile advertising requires complex

application development

Mobile Ads Lack Priority And Are Ignored

Mobile ads lack conversion rate

Mobile ads are expensive

Mobile ads are only for mobile

users on the goMobile ads work only if my business is youth-oriented

Mobile advertising requires complex

application development

Mobile Ads Lack Priority And Are Ignored

Mobile ads lack conversion rate

Mobile ads work only for top and

recognized brands

Mobile Ads Are Expensive

Myth 1


When compared to print and television advertising, digital ads on

mobile cost significantly lower.

It is easy to align your advertising budget with the mobile ad costs

using a variety of models like cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-

impression (CPI) and cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM).

Myth 2

Mobile Ads Are

Only For Mobile

Users On The Go

Mobile ads work wonder with targets on the go or at a marketplace,

The number of mobile users viewing ads from homes and workplaces are

no less impressive.

Mobile phones are fast becoming the preferred tools of online

shopping and searching which ultimately promises good exposure for the



Myth 3

Mobile Ads Work

Only If My Business

Is Youth-oriented

Mobile phones are being used by people from all age groups.

More than half of the mobile web users are above the age of 35.

If you strategically place your mobile ads and deliver the right content,

your mobile advertising campaign can cater to every person you target.


Myth 4

Mobile Ads Lack

Priority And Are


Mobile advertisements enjoy rapport similar to the desktop ads and

television commercials.

Consumers, who are extremely conscious about taking the right decision,

consult different sources and mobiles are definitely in their list.

It is difficult to ignore mobile ads that are easily accessible without requiring

the user to be present at a particular place on a particular time.


Myth 5

Mobile Advertising

Requires Complex



It is not always necessary to develop your own mobile application for the

purpose of advertising, though it can be a great step.

You can place your ads on the third-party applications as well.

Mobile search ads, mobile social media ads, mobile banners and many

such ways can also be utilized.


Myth 6

Mobile Ads Lack

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate of mobile ads depends on how relevant your ad is

and how accurately have you placed it and many other factors.

The simple fact that results from mobile ads may take good amount of

efforts and time, but they may prove to be extremely rewarding once

they trigger.


Myth 7

Mobile Ads Work

Only For Top And

Recognized Brands

For an unknown brand, mobile ads are among the best modes for brand


The numbers of mobile users are increasing exponentially, thereby adding

to the audiences that might be interested in your business.

Deliver messages about your brand’s existence and it will certainly click

with your targets sooner or later.


Then Grab the opportunity to gain that edge.

Your competitors might already be using mobile ads to gain an edge in the


If They Are Not!

Read more on Mobile Advertising:

1. How In-Store Mobile Engagement Delivers Better Personalized Experience To


2. Mobile Advertising: Few Interesting Statistics

3. How Mobile Advertising Has Grown In Smartphones Era?

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