Things to not forget when implementing a Portfolio Office



Craig's meandering thoughts: The things to not forget as you implement or re-energise your Portfolio Office.

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Meandering thoughts: Things to not forget when you’re implementing or re-energising a Portfolio Office

By Craig Kilford

You are a cost, absolutely everything a Portfolio Office does must add value(never ever, ever forget this!)

X-ray before you operate

Identify the great things you do already (and the not so great)

Find out what people think of you

What people perceive about your Portfolio Office is reality

It’s not about “communication” anymore…its about “conversation”


Understand your own capability

Would you let a non-dentist give you root canal surgery?

Energise people, get them excited about this stuff

Create a shared “as-is” and “to-be” state for your Portfolio Office (Craig’s portfolio painting workshops will help you with this)

Every PMO product must look Great, be Usable, Clear, Concise and Informative….(and sexy)

“Would like to meet VGL P3O for LTR, must have VGSOH, NS & ND with OHAC for LOFAPS maybe even BDSM”… (acronyms really suck)

Life is just too short

This stuff is new for some people, smile and help them.

Measure PMO happiness regularly (I’m not joking, do it, it’s important!)

Always wear amazing shoes and fabulous socks (yes these are mine)

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