The Trickle Down Effect of Effective Internal Processes


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MN Search 11/18/15


Sr. SEO Strategist at Three Deep

Workflow Engineer sub-contractor for 3M

Optimizer of things@NatePlaunt


Client successes





Business successes

13% increase in revenue YoY

Largest increase in 4 years

New office – we’ve outgrown our capacity


Marketing success

52% increase in website traffic YoY

31.5% increase in organic traffic YoY

318.5% increase in website conversions




1. AM sells project

2. PM estimates the project

3. SME works on the project

4. SME Completes the project

5. All talk about why the project was over budget


Unclear input – the ask

Time wasted up front

Unclear output – deliverables

Time wasted at the end

Little transparency into the work of other teams

Unnecessary projects

Inaccurate estimates


Clearly defined upfront ask

No work is started until this is clean

Clearly defined project deliverables

Agreed on and stated at the project start

Measure ourselves

Improved internal communications

More accurate estimates



1. Account/Strategy teams sell the right thing

2. SME/PM estimates the project

3. SME teams work on project tasks

4. Operations team measures input (ask), output (deliverable), and time per task

5. All complete the project

6. All talk about how great the project was

7. Give/get high fives


Accurate estimates =

Time saved on project =

Happy client =

More business from client =

Ability to apply project learnings to new project =

More at-bats with prospective clients =

More new business!


- Paul Wellstone


Attempting to quantify effort led to an unsuspected side effect

Each delivery team created their own internal processes to make their work easier to quantify

Transparency into work

Efficiencies in project work

Efficiencies in day to day

Improvements in outputs

More accuracy in estimates

Time savings


“Automated” SEO sales scan

Development of SEO audit process documents

20% time savings

Clearly defined deliverables and expectations

Everyone knows what to expect

Repeatable results time after time


Rebuilt our entire internal workflow process

Utilized tools to help measure and improve problem areas

Invested in internal training

Deployed it company-wide

…2+ years to get here


Start small – take one process or department on at a time

Be consistent – pick a driver

Socialize the results

Continuous improvement


