The Transition Of Power And Control Kafka


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The Transition of Power and Control

Megan Fernandes

The transition of power and control motifapparent in the five short stories by Franz Kafka is utilized in order to influenceexistential thoughts in characters in each of the stories.

The Judgment

• Transition: Son (Georg) Father

• Turning point: the father’s fiery outburst after years of silence and his final condemnation for the death of his son

• Existentialism: Georg rethinks his attitude towards his father and his friend in Russia the past few years; has to decide the real worth of his life

The Metamorphosis

• Transition: Brother (Gregor) Sister (Grete)

• Turning point: begins when Gregormysteriously transforms into a bug

• Existentialism: Gregor had to rethink how he had been living and submitting to several social constructs; Grete had to rethink her role in the family

In the Penal Colony

• Transition: Officer Explorer

• Turning point: the explorer finally voices his opinion about the machine and the system of government the officer was trying to preserve

• Existentialism: the officer reevaluates the worth of his life once he realizes the system of government and the machine he has such strong ties to were going to be destroyed

A Country Doctor

• Transition: Doctor Groom, Patient’s Family, Horses, Community

• Turning point: numerous times during the story; the doctor was manipulated and used by several characters

• Existentialism: once the doctor acted on his own thoughts and influenced his own situation for the first time, he felt disgrace and betrayal

A Report to an Academy

• Transition: Humans Ape

• Turning point: the ape contemplated the idea of freedom and found a way out of his situation (capture) by choosing to no longer being an ape

• Existentialism: the ape thought about what he wanted in life and what meaning his life would have depending on the path he chose

In the World Today

• The Thai Government

– Millions have questioned what they believe in, what/who they believe their government should represent, what they believe is just by their government and its leaders

– Has caused a few transitions of government power and control from one party to the other

– Has caused conflict, both peaceful and violent, because of the clash of ideas
