The Six Levels of Managing Sales Performance




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The Six Levels of Managing Sales Performance

Matt Heinz

President, Heinz Marketing Inc


Starting Points

1. Do you have a defined sales process?

2. Do you have defined sales stages?

3. Are you measuring everything?

4. Is that measurement centralized, consistent and transparent?

5. Are you meeting regularly with each sales rep?

6. Are goals and expectations clear?

Bottoms-Up Sales Management

1. Closed business

2. Pipeline

3. Pipeline make-up

4. Pipeline activity

5. Leads

6. Activities

Closed business

1. Quota vs goal

2. Average sales price

3. Customer satisfaction ratings

4. Sales experience rating


1. Closeable business

2. Close rate accuracy

3. Definition too wide or too narrow?

4. Qualification and urgency drivers

Pipeline Make-Up

1. Size of deals

2. Type of deals (i.e. one-time vs. recurring)

3. Focus verticals

4. Decision makers involved

5. Payment terms

Pipeline Activity

1. Demos

2. Proposals

3. Explicit next steps

4. Follow up activity


1. How many

2. Quality

3. Opportunity conversion

4. Inbound vs. cold calling


1. Cold calling

2. Networking

3. Referrals

4. Lead follow-up

5. Dials & talk-time

6. Five-minute calls

Making It Happen

1. Weekly 1:1 meetings

2. Metrics-based

3. Follow the funnel1. Bottoms-up

2. Where do you need help?

4. Clear expectations

Six ways to get reps back above quota

1. Focus on the numbers

2. Focus on what they can control

3. Compare habits & performance measures

4. Peer shadowing

5. Deal walkthroughs

6. Evaluate effort, attitude and drive

Eight more ways to get reps back above quota

1. Friendly competition among reps

2. Comp plan that requires consistent performance

3. Check for personal issues

4. Longer-period contests contingent on quotas

5. Back to basics (Attitude, Focus, Activity, Skills)

6. Watch the video tape

7. Put them on a plan

8. Did you add too much process?

