The nightmare before christmas


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  • 1. Oscar Snchez Roldn1rD

2. Vocabulary Halloween

  • Ghost=fantasma

3. Monster=monstre 4. Pumpkin=carabassa 5. Bat=ratpenat 6. Witch=bruixa 7. Scary clowns=pallaso diablic 8. Werewolf=home llop 9. Vocabulary Halloween

  • Mummy=momia

10. Vampire=vampir 11. Skeleton=esquelet 12. Spell=hechizo 13. Devil=diable 14. Spider=aranya 15. Vocabulary Halloween

  • Black cat=gat negre

16. Cementery=cementeri 17. Haunted house=casa embruixada 18. Oogie boogie=home del sac 19. Mad scientist=cientific boig 20. Bloody knife=ganivet sangrs 21. Zombie=zombi 22. Vocabulary Christmas

  • Santa Claus=Papa Noel

23. Christmas Elves=elfos navideos 24. Christmas tree=arbre nadal 25. Cake=pasts 26. Manger=pessebre 27. Present=regal 28. Toy=ninot 29. Vocabulary Christmas

  • Snow=neu

30. Snowman=ninot de neu 31. Ti=ti 32. Christmas decorations=adorns Christmas 33. The ride=la cabalgata 34. Kings=reis 35. Chocolates=bombons 36. Vocabulary Christmas

  • Shooting star=estrella fuga

37. Chimes= campanades 38. Christmas sock=mitjons de nadal 39. Wafers=neules 40. Glass of milk and cookies=llet i galetes 41. Turkey=pavo 42. Character description

  • Jack:

43. Jack is a skeleton,he is the king of the pumpkin. 44. His eyes are large.He has no ears. 45. He hasn't got mouth. 46. Hehas very long legs andarms. 47. He would like to be Santa Claus. 48. Character description

  • Oogie Boogie:

49. Oogie Boogie is an insect-man... 50. He hasn't got ears and fingers. 51. His mouth is very big. 52. His eyes are very small. 53. He likes playing poker.
