The advantage of being the best lorenzo paoli



Being unique has enormous advantages. If you are the best in your niche, you do not need to struggle to get noticed - others will come to you. Create your brand, make it unique, and reap the benefits.

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How we can become the best in our niche

Lorenzo PaoliCoach for Effective Habits

The advantage of being The Best

We all have seen a rich, beautiful and famous celebrity get gifts, free holidays and other privileges and think: when it rains, it pours!

And then they even get married, doubling they already enormous earnings!

Actually, we can all become

Stars of our own niche.

There’s more: in this world, we NEED it.

Being like every one else today is very dangerous. There is too much choice. And too many offers. Once you could choose only the music that was available in your record store. Today, you can get whatever you want. Do you want some Pop music from Myanmar? You can buy the CD or download it.

Being the best in our field has enormous advantages. More than we think.

Economist Sherwin Rosen explains it in his study called the

”Superstar Effect.”

Smartphone sales: being the best has enormous advantages

Rosen studied the Superstar Effect on Pavarotti and compared him to Florez, another legendary opera singer. Pavarotti was considered the best one – but only slightly.

But, if you had only $ 10 to buy one CD, whom would you

choose? Exactly. So do millions of other people. The advantage of being the best becomes enormous.

Being unique does not mean to be the best in the world, orthe most famous.

It means to be the best in your niche.

That’s where we express ourselves to the fullest.

Courtesy of: Porbital.

The shop may be small, …. But customers come from all over t he world to buy his products. He is the star of his niche and he is very popular. And you… for what do you want to be unique?

In Milan, in via Fara there is a tiny shop that sells hand-made tarot cards, the Meneghello.

Do you want to be a Superstar? Stop trying to be all things to everybody, focus on the actions that make you the best for a few. If you were a professional athlete, you would play one sport, not 5. Being generalist, talking about “excellence, quality, etc.” today is trivial. Everybody does that.

To become a Superstar in your

Niche you do not need talent

but authenticity, focus

and determination.

It’s hard work, but

it brings enormous


1. If you want to be the best, you need to narrow your scope. Choose a niche. Don’t be afraid. This will allow you to focus on your art. No distractions.


You will be ableto focus your energy on specific actions, investing all you have in just a few, essential activities.

Choose a niche and start working to become the best. No discussion.


2. Whether you are a company or a person, show your personality and be authentic. This is what people want nowadays….

Richard Branson –Virgin founder


….. not this !!!!

Image courtesy of :stockimages –



•Express yourself to the fullest

•Create rules in line with what you are•Define your style

•Get in touch with people in your niche, turning them into fans

•Never go against you ideals and those of your fans

•Listen to your fans and customers and talk to them


3. Become the Best in your Niche

Being the best – and most popular – mechanic in the world is impossible. Being the best – and most popular – vintage tuning mechanic is a very different story.


4. Share your uniqueness.We can all be Superstars… of our own niche. But we need to spread the word.


It takes time, determination and flexibility as you might need to change strategy from time to time.

The advantages, though, are incredible…..

Being the first in your niche means becoming an idea in the people interested in that niche.

It means that if they think about a product, an object, an example, a

person, linked to a sector, we are the first ones popping into their minds.

Image courtesy of: Boykung –


We do not need to keep asking potential customers for a meeting. We do not need to send thousands of résumés. We do not need to spend a fortune in advertising campaigns. We do not need to struggle to get noticed.

Others will call us.


Being a Superstar has a double benefit, called Cumulative Advantage.

The advantages we reap as Superstars, indeed, generate other advantages with no additional effort. If we are famous, everyone wants to work with us, buy our products, be with us. This makes us even more famous. At the same time, we keep earning more and more.

The advantage generates further advantages.


Obviously, also the opposite is true:

The less known we are, the fewer possibilities we have to emerge. The fewer people noticing us, the lower our earnings and, therefore, the fewer investments we can make for us.

The disadvantage generates more disadvantage.

Becoming a Superstar of your Niche today is not an option…

….. It’s a must.

Work hard. Have fun.

Share your passion.

Become great in your art.

Lorenzo PaoliCoaching for Highly Performing Habits

Excellence is a habit.

www.novaxia .it

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