Texxi : Demo Night liverpool



A brief explanation of what Texxi is.

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Optimising Global TravelThe Supply Side

Transit Exchange XXILiverpool June 20th 2013

The Gimp (2006)Utopia Productions

So what is Texxi all about?

It is a Transit Exchange system

But if you can remember only one thing from this presentation

The Texxi system is fundamentally about Congestion Pricing & Roadspacetime

All the taxi / carshare / rideshare stuff is mere icing on the cake!

It is a search application / algorithm for demand responsive transit

enabling largescale dynamic real-time ridesharing

Designed to optimise roadspacetime use (and thus reduce congestion)

increase vehicle occupancy and reduce fleet fuel use for the same carrying capacity

reducing the price of travel for folk

All this for a 0.10 reals fare hike?

People take transport seriously!

while increasing revenues for both vehicle service operators and the road operator

all without limiting freedoms

As such it is an overall system

that combines several key characteristics, (operational concepts, algorithms and knowhow)

It sounds like simple taxi hailing..

Taxi Hailing startups

but that is only one application of the system

of several that can come about

It sounds like simple vehicle sharing..

Carshare / Car rental companies

but that is only one part of it

It sounds like on demand ride sharing..

Ridesharing Startups


yup, you've guessed it - that is only one application....


If you think any of these afore-mentioned are our competitors, you have not understood a thing about Texxi


They are in fact our potential customers

It's like telling Yorkshire Water that they should fear the very people who make taps


Most people always simplify new ideas to sound like things they have experience of

taxi hailing

car share / car rental

ride sharing / grouped rides

It does turn out that trying to describe a solution

to a combinatorial optimisation

problem using genetic algorithms and

heuristics to overcome an apparent bottleneck

in computational complexity theory is really quite a mouthful

It is just easier to say "Something to do with taxis"

We do all of those + more

Much more


Reform global transport by optimising roadspacetime use in a real-time dynamic fashion


Create a single open, fair and free market for all modes of ground transportation in a city / municipality / country


Apply concepts from the internet and free markets / futures exchanges to transport


Breaking up the different layers of ownership in the transport model


Change fundamentally the method of generation of revenue from road usage - reverting to the "appliance" concept

We showed it was possible as far back as 2006

And that the market for this in the USA + EU5 is $3 TRILLION per annum

What we have actually done is describe and design a new way in which to run our road system which is more in line with the principles of Liberty

Who are our competitors?

Bus monopoliesThe incumbent taxi industryCorrupt government officialsSome car manufacturers

What problems do we solve?

Congestion Budgetary shortfalls for municipalitiesLow average vehicle occupancyIncreasing urbanisationFuel UseSocial ExclusionHigh Taxi PricesLack of availability of transportDearth of choice

Mode: CommuterA subscription service to enable people to have the same transport options as a private car

Taking customers from transit hubs to their homes or offices

Transport solutions for large scale festivals and events, particularly where parking is limited

Mode: Big EventChanging the charging model for destinations

Big EventThe stadium becomes an appliance / app on the road system

Costs such as policing would now be borne by anyone travelling to the stadium


CorporateCan become an equaliser

Virtual Private Travel, enabling staff members, executives and their clients to make use of a luxury fleet of coaches to get to work


Now even smaller start-up businesses could set-up at business parks and offer their employees the kind of travel perks usually reserved only for corporate behemoths.

Mode: School RunA subscription service to enable people to have their children transported in shared services to schools

School-age children could now share direct transport to and from school in appropriate vehicles

Mode: Evening Economy

Restaurant patrons and restaurant businesses could benefit from cheaper travel, especially where alcohol is involved

Mode: TouristA city as a cruise destination becomes an "app".

Tourists on visits to a city could visit relatively remote destinations; the revenue shared between the broker and the mode licence buyer (the cruise company)

A better, cheaper and faster way to get tourists from the airports into the city centre



on-the-fly, door-to-mall travel to and from supermarkets. A version of a supermarket bus on-demand.

Soccer Mom Taxi Service (SMOTAS)

Other Apps

So it does turn out that trying to describe the myriad

solutions to the combinatorial optimisation problems is really quite a mouthful

And pretty boring to boot



Combinatorial Optimisation

Travelling Salesman Problem

But most people just liked to hear or see something much more simple to begin with

Skydiver (2006)Utopia Productions

With the issues in Brazil being very capable of showing up just about anywhere else

The opportunity has never been more ripe as now

If you can remember only one thingfrom this presentation

The Texxi system is fundamentally about Congestion Pricing & Roadspacetime

All the taxi / carshare / rideshare stuff is mere icing on the cake!

Thank you
