Task3 smash hits analysis


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The masthead of this magazine is in a different font this makes it stand out and it draws the readers attention from the background this is so the makers of the magazine are identified to the reader. The masthead is in pink this is a bright colour and therefore reveals that the audience is low-brow and perhaps younger people.

The main cover line is across the upper left side of the magazine this is because it is expected to attract the most attention and the most readers more attention than the other cover lines as this can be seen when the magazine is stacked on shelf's.

There isn't really a main image on this front cover as there are many images that are in equal size and equal importance to the cover. There is a lot going on, on this front cover the target audience can relate to this as maybe at this age there is a lot going on in there lives too. but the main cover line does anchor with the image of Shayne Ward this therefore makes this the main image of the cover as it draws the most attention.

The cover lines show many different artists these artists will be artists that are the same genre as the magazine so that they will attract the interest of the target audience and attract more readers.

The cover doesn’t use many colours but the colours that are used are bright happy colours this shows that the target audience are younger less mature people. The colours used show that the cover is low-brow and perhaps a unsophisticated audience. The big use of pink perhaps also shows that the magazine is aimed at girls as this is stereotyped a girls colour. The majority of the artists on the front cover are males which also shows maybe it targets females.

The cover doesn’t use a footer but instead fills the bottom half with another cover line and another small image.

The barcode is found along with the date and price on every magazine. This is because from this you can discover all the information about the magazine before buying it.

The flash is used to draw the reader in so that they buy the magazine. It shows something you can win or see inside so the reader wants to know more.

This cover line anchors with the main image therefore is the main cover line. This is the cover line that is expected to attract the most attention and the most readers this is why it is the main cover line.

The main image is on a plain white background this is so that the image stands out and is easily visible this is because they think that this will attract the most readers and will please the target audience more.

This magazine goes against the rule of thirds this is because there isn't a single striking image like on usual front cover also there is no structure of the cover lines being down the left they are splashed all over the page and there is no real organisation and everything seems jumbled up, the target audience may be able to relate to this as things in their lives maybe jumbled and unorganised.

The target audience for this magazine is 10-15year olds this is shown by the chatty mode of address and also the bright fun type colours which shows the audience is less mature.

The header shows some of the features of the magazine and reveals the genre to many of the readers.

Pink banner at the top of the page this fits in with the front cover as the main colour is pink. This will allow the reader to connect the two together using the colour.

List of things inside are blocked out into a black background and are written in white and pink. The pink and white make them stand out from the black background the black background is used to make it stand out from the plain white background. Using the black background shows that the this is important on the contents page and needs to stand out and needs to be noticed.

Features that are inside the magazine. White background pink colour sticks with the theme colours. The pages are also shown the font used is sans serif and shows the unsophisticated side of the magazine. This is important as most of the things inside will be unsophisticated so this links well with the font used.

Images that link with the articles are at the top of the page this is to leave room for the main image but at the same time this shows some of what the stories will contain and shows the pictures that will go with them, this draws readers in as they can see which artists will be in there and so they can see pictures of them inside the magazine.

Shows a brief heading and summary of the articles that are inside again will attract readers as they can see some of the things inside the magazine.

The main image takes up a lot of room on the page this shows its importance to attract readers and to please the target audience, this also identifies the genre/type of music or artists that the readers like to read about. The main image also contains a background image and this shows that it is coming up to Christmas and advertises the Christmas number1 which will attract even more readers.

The whole theme of the front cover is set out like things are being pinned down as notes and reminders this is unorganised but is used very effectively as a lot of teenagers will do this in their life's and as teenagers being the target audience can relate to that. Also a teenagers life could be very organised and have a lot going on like this so also they could relate to this.

Headline ‘Boy Racers’ this is a childish headline and underlines the audiences of the magazine.

The drop cap of ‘H’ starts of the story on the left side of the page

The main image is big and takes up most of the page this means that the stories have to work around the image this is because this is what is going to attract the most readers and please the target audience the most. The main image is a well know boy band and this will relate a lot to the female readers of the magazine.

All of the pictures link with the main picture or the main story on the left hand side of the page, this shows that they have focused the whole pages on this band and that they think that this band will attract the most amount of readers. This band is a big attraction for the target audience and therefore has a whole story based around them.

By-lines to go with the main story

Caption describing main image

Picture credit

Competition on side of the page takes up a lot of room on the page, this shows that they think this will draw readers. With the target audience being teens this could relate as they are more immature and more likely to enter competitions.

The colour scheme is still kept from the front cover and keeps the pink white and yellow. This is effective because these pages will be related to the front cover.

The pictures take up a lot more room on these pages this is because the target audience is younger so lots of writing is going to bore them and more pictures will attract more readers.