Task one




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Task 1Savannah Hardwick

Advert 1- ‘Chick’

Advert 1- ‘Chick’ There is only one main image used in this advertisement which is of a baby chick. The image is in

black and white which is stark contrast to the orange used on the rest of the advert, which helps to make the image stand out even more. The chick in the image is also facing towards the written message on the page, which draws the audiences attention towards it. The image itself takes up a

third of the advert, which shows its importance to the advert, without the image the writing wouldn’t make sense. The primary colour on the page is orange, which is a bright, bold and eye catching colour, and the writing is written in blue. The blue and orange are used because these

two colours are the colours that represent IRN-BRU and are what people associate with the drink. The advert doesn’t feature a lot of text, just one sentence. The copy is witty and comical, and relates directly to the image shown and mentions the product in it as well. The copy is in

blue, which stands out against the orange background. The writing has been done in a handwritten style font, which makes the advert feel more directly aimed at the audience, and a

lot less formal. The layout is very simple, having the image on the left hand side taking up a third of the advert and the text on the right hand side. This is good layout because typically in the

English language we read from left to right, so we would first look at the image and then read on to see the message that goes with it. The tone of the advert is very lighthearted and comical. The

bright colours and witty text make the tone of the advert obvious, and makes sure that the audience knows its not a serious and formal advertisement. The tone is also shown through the

‘cute’ image, which audiences will be drawn towards. This advert is designed to have a direct impact on the audience, it wants you to remember the advert, whether because its funny or

because you find it inappropriate, either way, by remembering the advert you will remember the product.

Advert 2- ‘Bitches’

Advert 2- ‘Bitches’There is only one black and white image on this advert the image takes up over half of the page. The

image itself is of a older gentleman and his two dogs. The image is taken in what looks like a wealthy persons home, which shows that IRN-BRU is a drink that is drank by a diverse range of

people. The two dogs are also appealing to the audience because dogs are seen as family animals, which is another way of drawing in audiences. The image also relates directly to the text. The copy is witty and comical, and relates directly to the image shown and makes sure to mention

the product. The text also features the word ‘bitches’ which is a play on the word because it can mean two different things, and its how the audience perceives it. The copy is in blue, which

stands out against the orange background. The writing has been done in a handwritten style font, which makes the advert feel more directly aimed at the audience, and a lot less formal. The

primary colour on the page is orange, which is a bright, bold and eye catching colour, and the writing is written in blue. The blue and orange are used because these two colours are the

colours that represent IRN-BRU and are what people associate with the drink. The black and white of the image on the page is a very big contrast to the brightness of the orange. All IRN-BRU

adverts and products are the same two colours to make sure the items are continuous. The layout of this advert is much the same as the previous advert, except that the image takes up over half of the page, which draws more attention towards it. The tone of the advert is once again light hearted and informal, although the image itself appears to look formal, by having the older man

in a suit, smoking a cigar in a lavish looking setting. The impact of this advertisement will be varied, due to the copy used. Some people might find the language inappropriate for an advert, whereas some people will see it for its comedic value and will remember the advert, therefore

remembering the product.

Advert 3- ‘Unusual Tastes’

45 second long television advertisement for IRN-BRU

Advert 3- ‘Unusual Tastes’This video advert shows an old woman walk over to her record player, put on a song and

then start to frantically jump about dancing, it then shows an IRN-BRU bottle with the phrase ‘Unusual Tastes’. This advert is done all in colour, although the colours used are very muted and don’t stand out off of the page. When the IRN-BRU drink comes on at the end, the colours suddenly become very bright and slightly garish, having bright orange and blue. The image itself looks very modern and isn't shot in a way that makes the images look dated. There is no text featured at all on the page apart

form at the very end when you see ‘Unusual Taste’ underneath an IRN-BRU can. The text is written in dark blue which is also outlined with dark orange. These colour

choices help the copy stand out even more off the already bright page. The tone of the advert is very upbeat, you are shown this through the older woman dancing about frantically, her dancing makes you smile or laugh which shows how the advert is

informal I think that the dancing is a way to show how the drink itself is fun, I think that they chose to use an older woman because it is unusual to see this, which is in

keeping with the ‘unusual tastes’ theme. The final image you see is the IRN-BRU drink resting on a pile of knitting equipment, all in the colours of the knitting stuff is orange and blue. These colours represent the product, and by making this aspect of the advert the same colour as the product, it makes you remember it, and therefore

think about it.

Advert 4- ‘Indescribable’

45 second long television advertisement for IRN-BRU

Advert 4- ‘Indescribable’The video begins with a black screen and rustling, the image then changes to show a

white figure running though bushes, the figure turns out to be a very white person, with a bald head, no mouth and big eyes. The image then shows a microphone being

placed in front of the figure, the figure then looks around and starts to heavy breathe. Then finally he image changes to a blue and orange foot print with the IRN-BRU

product in the middle of it with the word ‘indescribable’ underneath it. This advert is striking because of the contrast in colour between the dark background and the white

figure. The image quickly changes to the colours that IRN-BRU have become known by, blue and orange. The tone of the advert starts off mixed, because it begins looking like a scary film advertisement, so it is very informal but is not a happy feeling advert either. I think that because it doesn’t have an obvious tone, it intrigues the audience

and will make them want to watch the advert all the way through and see what happens. The layout and design of the advert is very simple, it doesn’t include lots of

images of text, it just has one main image that is striking enough to draw in the audience and keep their attention. The only text featured in the advert is the word ‘indescribable’ which relates directly to the images used in the advert as the image

itself would be indescribable to some people due to the unusualness of it.

IRN-BRU 32 Packaging The energy drink has kept the same colour scheme as the other IRN-BRU products. Still using the bright, bold and eye catching colours of orange, silver and blue. This can also features a small part of text written in yellow. This yellow is bright and stands out from the colours already used, this is to show the newness of the can and to show how it stands apart from other IRN-BRU products.

The ‘32’ is written in bright orange, and appears to be breaking away from the can, showing silver blasts behind it. This is showing how new and exciting the product is, its also showing how it is different from other products like it.

The writing at the top of the can is bold, clear to read and in bright colours. This Is a way to draw in the audience as the bright colours are eye catching. The copy is also written in bold writing, this is a way to show its importance and how the information is new and exciting. The silver writing in the middle of the can also is used as a way to draw in the audience. The colour is different from the other that are used on the can and therefore stands out even more. The silver on the can is used to show importance or newness, as its used on the name and the description of the drink.

Advert 5- Red Bull

Advert 5- Red BullThis Red Bull advert has only one image, but that one image takes up the majority of

the page and is the focal point of the advert. The image is a cartoon drawing of a pilot, who is drinking a can of Red Bull, with the sun shining. The image is drawn

like a cartoon as a way of drawing in the the audience. Because the image is drawn like this, it is showing how it is appealing to a more younger generation, and not

necessarily to just adults. The image is also very colourful and is the only colour on the page. The bursts of pink, blue and yellow are yet another way of attracting the audience to the advert. The text on the page is written in bold, black capital letters

at the top of the page, which is essentially the first thing that you will see. The phrase ‘enjoy your jet with out the lag’ is a comedic play on words and relates

directly with the image of the cartoon pilot and his drink of Red Bull. The phrase ‘Red Bull gives you wiings’ is seen in smaller writing at the very bottom of the page, alongside two cans of Red Bull. The layout of the advert is very simple, having the

image take up with majority of the page, it is based on the centre of the page and is framed by text on its top and bottom. The layout is effective because its main point is the image, and then you would look further at the text. The image is what draws

the audience in. The bright and eye-catching colours also attract the audience, making them want to know more about the advert. The tone of the advert is very upbeat and comical. The image sets the tone for the advert because of it being a

colour cartoon drawing, and not a dark and ominous looking image.

Advert 6- Relentless

Advert 6- RelentlessThis advert only features on image and that is of the product itself. The Relentless is on the

left hand side of the advert and only takes up a small amount of space, the text taking up the majority of the advert. The advert here is one of many , each advert featuring a

different drink, this one shows the sugar free energy drink. The blue of the can is the only colour on the page, which makes the image stand out even more. The distinct lack of colour

on the advert shows us how the image is the main focus of the page. The background of the advert features a grayish pattern, which is in keeping with the theme of the can, as it

features on this as well. The pattern then carries over into the text itself as well, with ‘Relentless’ featuring this swirly pattern around it. The text is in white, making it stand out from the dark background, and is written in a serif font in capitals. The ‘shouty’ aspect of the writing will help to grab the audiences attention and make them look at the advert.

There is not a lot of text on the page, just the name of the product, what it is and then the type of drinks you can get, the lack of text will also be attractive to the audience because

they will like that they don’t have to read much. The layout is very simple, having the image on the left and the text on the right, this is a simple but effective layout, because generally we as consumers will read form left to right, so they have made it so that you will look at

the image and then the text. The tone of the advert is very dark and moody looking. It doesn’t give the impression that this product is for children due to the mature look of it,

therefore this advert would be more effective in a magazine or newspaper that is appealing to older people, possibly aimed between 18-28.

Advert 7- Monster

Advert 7- MonsterThe image on the advertisement is is on the left hand side of the page and doesn’t take

up much room. The image itself almost blends into the background due to its dark colouring, the only thing seperating it is the green mist like shade behind it. This green colouring pushes the image of the can to the front of the page. The bright

green of the energy drink logo, an ‘M’ stands out off of the page the most. This green is then also seen for the colour of the text which says ‘ENERGY’. I think that they

have done this to put emphasis on the name of the product and what it does, as the rest of the text is in white. The colours used on the advert are very dark, with white text and splashes of green on the page. This also relates back to the theme and tone of the advert, which is quite dark, but the splashes of colour can relate to the splash

of energy you get from drinking the product. The text itself is written in the font that Monster use on all of their advertising products, the lettering is spaced out, bold and

in capital letters. The font itself is very jagged and rough looking, this is a way to attract the audience and make them look properly at the advert. It is also noticeable

how little text there is on the page, it is similar to that of the Relentless advert because they both seem to rely on the image on the advert and not the text. The

layout is also very similar, having the image on the left hand side and the writing on the right. This is strategic because we usually read from left to right, so it makes the

image the first thing you see and the text the last.

Advert 8- Lucozade Sport

Advert 8- Lucozade SportThis advert for Lucozade sport is entirely based off of an image. This image is striking and intriguing, making the audience look closer at the image to see what its about. The use of the

blacks, dark greens and dark blues as the main colours darken the image drastically, and make the orange of the bottle and the white of the text stand out massively. The bright orange bottle

shape is in the centre of the page, but it is also shown to look like flames coming from a football that has just been kicked by the footballer in the image. The footballer himself is wearing brighter colours, such as grays and whites, but doesn’t fully stand out of the page when compared with the oranges from the product itself. There is a lot going on in this image,

including the lions in the cloud, the footballer who is chasing the one we see more obviously, the football pitch, the cloudy and raining sky and the actual product itself. Because there is so much

happening in the image, there isn't a lot of text on the page. This a great way to draw in the audience because they wont see a lot of text and a lot of image, they will see an image

accompanied by one sentence that is made to be in the image as well. The text is in bold white capital letters, making it stand off the page fully and become a main focus of the advert. It is also

part of the image itself, being slanted and warped into the Image, traveling with the ball (the product). The tone of the advert is about being strong and triumphant, you can tell this by the

power of the image, especially the main footballer who is shown to be kicking a football so hard that it appears it has flames coming from behind it. Due to the distinct lack of text, the product

has to be shown through-ally through the image, and because the image is so clear it doesn’t need text to help describe it.

Relentless Packaging This product has different coloured packaging for each different flavour energy drink, because of this it makes the products very distinctive and different form other out there similar to it. The colours that’s have been used are very jewel tones and bright.

The text on each product is the same, which keeps the packaging consistent, even though the colours change. The text is always in silver, and always in the same font. The font is in capital letters and has a pattern running through it. This pattern also runs though the main title of the product and is also repeated on the can itself.

The cans all remain the exact same size and shape.

The layout on each can is the same, with ‘Relentless’ in the centre, the flavour of the drink at the top, the ‘type’ of drink it is and then it has the logo phrase at the bottom ‘No Half Measures’.

The effect of this packaging is that its continuous and recognisable. Each separate product has the same look and the same information, but the colour changes.