Task 1 work sheet 4




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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: nick pickles

Paste 6 images here include the name & date of image

Theme or focus of images

The theme of the images is people who are singing or playing an instrument at a concert. The images are mainly focused on their faces. Showing the fun and enjoyment the artists have when they perform. This makes the image more enjoyable for the audience to look at. The images are mainly of famous people like status quo and Mumford and sons. This means the photos will be seen by allot of people and the quality of the image has to be good. The images were taken by a photographer called Nick Pickles. The images he has taken are portraits. The photographs he has taken were taken on stage as the acts are performing. Then after this they are taken to editing software like Photoshop and edited so the colours either look enhanced or they are changed to black or white.

CompositionThe images that were taken are taken from the side of the stage or on the stage when the artists were performing. If he were to take the images from the bottom of the stage or behind them he would get a different picture completely. The camera wouldn’t have a tripod as the photographer would have to be mobile and have the ability to move around. This would make it easier to take the photographs he needs. If he did use a tripod then there would be less blur and he would have a better chance at taking a clearer picture. Techniques usedThe techniques that he would have used would be depth of field, ISO, and shutter speed. The reason for this is that with all the flashing lights they will need the ISO quite high so that the brightness of the image is correct. He would have to use a fast shutter speed as the artist will be moving about a lot on stage so he will have to make sure he catches them at the right time. And the depth of field will be used in a way that so that the artist is the main attraction.Strengths & WeaknessesThe strengths of these images is that it captures the fun and excitement of the artist and the concert. This is true hard as bring across emotion is difficult to do in a photo and I feel that he has done this very well. When I do my images I will try my best to bring across emotion in my portraits.

The weaknesses is that the editing could have been done better as in some of the images they are very bright and uncomfortable to look at.