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What B2B marketers need to know about Web 2.0. For more visit: http://www.findandconvert.com/blog.

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Copyright 2007 Find and Convert1

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert2

Social Media Optimization – What B2B Marketers Need to Know About Web 2.0

Understanding the Marketing Opportunities in Web 2.0Bernie Borges – Find and ConvertDecember 4, 2007

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert4

Bernie Borges: Founder, Find and Convert

20 + years marketing Enterprise software & Internet industries Past 5 years providing:

• Internet marketing strategic consulting• Search engine optimization• Pay-per-Click advertising management• Visitor conversion strategies• Web 2.0 strategies• Podcast services

Help B2B companies find and convert leads on the web 

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert5

What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 Components


• Blogs

• Social Networking Sites

• Podcasts

• Wikis

• SaaS

Case Study Recommendations


Copyright 2007 Find and Convert6

Service companies Product companies B2B or B2C Geographic sales coverage Comfort level with Web 2.0 topics

Audience Poll

Let’s have an “un-presentation”

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert7


Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services — such as social-networking sites, wikis, and folksonomies — which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users.

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."[4]

Web 2.0 is all about collabaration and conversations with communities of people with something in common who interact with each other.

What is Web 2.O?

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert8

What is Web 2.O?

“Web 1.0”

“Web 2.0”Read-Only Web

Read-Write Web

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert9

RSS Blogs Social Networking Sites Podcasts Wikis SaaS

Web 2.O Components

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Technology• RSS, XML, AJAX

Bandwidth Proliferation• WiFi, High Speed Access

Social Culture of Communication• Communities Offer Collective Intelligence

Web 2.O Drivers

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Low Cost Implementation• Release early and often• Research, find, go…

Loyalty• Communities, trust, relationships

Marketing/PR• Viral affects are huge

SEO• Multiple locations of content• Link centric

Web 2.O Benefits

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert12

Subscribed conversations Like minded people Public conversations Honest communication Plain English Easy to digest Link centric Tag, comment, modify, submit…


Copyright 2007 Find and Convert13

Technical/Product Thought Leadership Tips/Best Practices Opinion Contrarian Controversy Marketing/PR

Blog Types

• Information

• Relationships

• Knowledge Management

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Blog Types

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RSS for Marketing

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Micro-blogging is a form of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters) and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, email, MP3 or the web.

The most popular service is called Twitter, which was launched in July 2006 and won the Web Award in the blog category at the 2007 South by Southwest Conference in Austin, Texas.[1] The main competitor to Twitter is Jaiku.

The popular social networking websites Facebook and MySpace also have a micro-blogging feature, called "status update".

Micro-blogging is about “what are you doing right now.”

Micro Blogs


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SEO Friendly Content SEO Friendly URL (Permalinks) Link Centric Blogrolls Blog Bookmarks & Search Engines Social Sites for Blogs

Blog Marketing


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Blog Marketing

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Blog Marketing: DIGG it

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert20

A social network service focuses on the building and verifying of online social networks for communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others, and which necessitates the use of software.

Most social network services are primarily web based and provide a collection of various ways for users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups, and so on.

Social Networking Sites


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Social Networking Sites - Facebook

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Social Networking Sites - Facebook

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Social Networking – Facebook Applications


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Social Networking Case Study: Information Builders Inc.


Copyright 2007 Find and Convert25

Social Networking Case Study: Information Builders Inc.

Goal – generate leads from target rich social networking site without being intrusive by using leadership white papers

Tactics• Study members interest (1 year)

• Identify mix of white paper topics

• Promote white papers through RSS, permission email, network’s white paper resource

• Set up registration with lead qualification fields

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert26

Social Networking Case Study: Information Builders

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert27

Social Networking Case Study: Information Builders

Results • Exceeded lead goals by 42%

• 750% ROI from new sales from leads

• Identified the topics of most interest

• Established thought leadership in community

• Proved merit of slow, patient approach

• Proved value of targeted social networking marketing campaigns

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert28

A podcast is a digital media file, or a related collection of such files, which is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers.

Though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other digital media formats by its ability to be syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically when new content is added, using an aggregator or feed reader capable of reading feed formats such as RSS or Atom.

Podcasting: B2B


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Identify Content• Tips• Trends• White Papers• Reports

Select Show Format Blog Post Show Notes (for SEO) Submit to Podcast Directories Track Subscriptions & Downloads Build Loyalty Make an Offer (CTA)

Podcasting Strategies: B2B

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert30

Podcasting Basics: B2B

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Podcasting: B2B

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Podcasting: B2B

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert33

• A wiki is a type of computer software that allows users to easily create, edit and link web pages.

• Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites, power community websites, and are increasingly being installed by businesses to provide affordable and effective Intranets or for use in Knowledge Management.

• One of the best-known wikis is Wikipedia.[2]

Wiki: B2B


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Wiki: B2B

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert35

• Software as a service (SaaS) is a software application delivery model where a software vendor develops a web-native software application and hosts and operates (either independently or through a third-party) the application for use by its customers over the Internet.

• Customers do not pay for owning the software itself but rather for using it. They use it through an API accessible over the Web and often written using Web Services or REST.

• The term SaaS has become the industry preferred term, generally replacing the earlier terms Application Service Provider (ASP) and On-Demand.

Software as a Service (SaaS): B2B


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Software as a Service (Saas): B2B

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Web 2.0 Video: B2B

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert38

Which type of Web 2.0 medium have you deployed in a marketing program in the past year?

Web 2.0: Survey Results

The B2BWeb 2.0 Tools Report – August 2007http://www.directimpactnow.com/leadgentools/web2-tools-directory.html

Value Count Percent

Blogs 133 70%

RSS 108 57%

Podcasts 99 52%

Videocasts 76 40%

Social Networks / Communities 75 40%

Wikis 42 22%

189 representatives of companies actively engaged in B2B marketing.

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert39

Typical Web 2.0 events include:• RSS feed subscriptions

• Comments on a blog post

• Updates to a wiki page

• Image, video or audio file uploads of user-generated content

• Clicking buttons to subscribe to an offering or access a printable version of a page

Measuring Web 2.0 Actions Your Website

Web 2.0 features you can add to your website that reflect a user’s behavior once they begin interacting with those features.

Source: MarketingSherpa: Measuring Web 2.0: How to Promote the Features That Get the Best ROI

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert40

Do “Something” – Blog Visit Social Networking Sites

• Horizontal e.g, Facebook,• Industry Specific Social Networking Sites

Join (or Create) Social Networking Groups Launch a Blog (with a strategy) Establish Corporate Policy Podcast! Redesign your website in “2.0”

Web 2.0 Recommendations

Open the door for conversations with customers and prospects!

Copyright 2007 Find and Convert41

For more conversation…

Bernie Borges



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877-236-9880 Office

