TALK Telephone Training



Women's Business Club offers various business growth workshops, one of them being TALK which helps people gain confidence with using the telephone for business. Did you know that MOST business owners miss out of a significant amount of business because they don't pick up the phone and call people. Make sure that you are not one of these people. Join us for a telephone training workshop that will help you gain confidence on the phone which will lead to a significant boost in your business as well as save you loads of time. Training will consist of: - Practical training and instructions - Script Writing - Data Collating - Live calls You should leave with more confidence and more clients! Find out more at

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TALK Telephone Training Workshop

Phone Call Statistics

The best time to call is 4-5pm. The second best time to call is 8-10am. The worse times to call are 11am and 2pm. In 2007 it took about 3 call attempts to reach a

prospect, today it takes 8. The average business person only makes 2 attempts

to reach a prospect. 91% of customers say that they will give referrals but

only 11% ask for them.

• 2% of sales occur when two parties meet for the first time

• 98% will only buy once a certain level of trust has been built up

• 65% of people requesting information on your company will not purchase for at least 3 months afterwards

• 20% will take more than 12 months to buy after requesting info


Don’t annoy people on the phone, offer them a solution.





It’s up to you to call and keep in touch with the client, don’t expect them to call and keep in touch with you.
