Talent and process


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Success is just there... In your next step...

However, think about how the success you foresee, is composed by small pieces of success.

Small pieces of success can be experimented when you balance your talent and the commitment with your companies process.




It's always needed you...

It's always needed you...

Never let one side empty

Success is just there... ...in front of youFor each single activity.....

Think 3Minutes

Your Best Talent

You...Following Process

You can do better?

Enjoy Enjoy





One success per step

Wake up every morning, for living, not for working. After a healthy breakfast and a time for you, when going

to work, align your day activities in two main directives: Your talent and Your Companies Process.

The balance, of these two dimensions, will bring your success.

3 Minutes thinking:

Briefly foresee the results you need in the specific activity. Line them clearly in you mind

Think in 100% of the energy to be put in the executive action to accomplish the activity

Define the percentage of this energy composed by a percentage of your talent and the complement simple following your company

process, rules and procedure

Every single activity needs to be positioned, disciplinary: Ex. Forecast: almost 50% talent and 50% Process

Every single activity needs to be positioned, disciplinary: Ex. Negotiation: almost 90% talent and 10% Process

Every single activity needs to be positioned, disciplinary: Ex. CRM System: almost 30% talent and 70% Process

Where you should position your single step?

Giandri Machadogiandri@globo.com


This clipping of slides is simple, but are the slides I was able to share, as requested.

Others slides, from the original presentation, are company´s propriety.

Thanks for all messages and requestsSoon, I will transform these slides in a complete and organized presentation.
