Taking the Guesswork out of a New Product Launch

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Customer Success Play by John Broady, General Manager at thismoment, at the 2014 Customer Success Summit.

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Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

Customer Success Summit 2014

Taking the Guesswork out of a New Product Launch John Broady General Manager, Thismoment jbroady@thismoment.com @johnbroadytm

Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

About me and my company

About me: •  15 years of product management experience at

Yahoo, CBS Interactive, Adobe and Thismoment •  Total data junkie, with a belief in using real user

data to make business decisions •  I’ve trained my four dogs to line up on demand

for a photo shoot About Thismoment: •  We’ve deployed more than 1,000 brand channels for the world’s most

recognizable brands •  We empower brand managers to find, mix and share content from

any source and publish to any platform •  Whether it’s #UGC or official brand content, we make our customers

true “Brand DJs”


Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

What led me to Customer Success

•  I’ve worked in product management nearly my entire career

•  I continue to be blown away at how many critical product decisions are made without real customer data

•  As I’ve moved into the SaaS space, I’ve arrived at a simple view of customer success:

The best predictive measure of customer success is reflected in how our customers use our software. Everything else is secondary.


Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

My Story

•  We developed our first product offering without the benefit of Totango or other customer success tracking tools

•  When it came time to launch our newest product, we made a commitment to leverage customer usage data (from Totango) to determine the success of our introductory product trial

•  Which meant we had to define success! (This is harder to do that it sounds)


Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

KPIs for Success

1. Find content 2. Mix content


Totango:  “Search  content”  “Add  content”  

Totango:  “Content  added  to  playlist”  “Created  new  playlist”  “Viewed  playlists  page”  

Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

KPIs for Success

3. Share content


Totango:  “Previewed  playlist”  “Shared  playlist”  

Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

Recommended Play

Use Customer Engagement to Drive Feature Development!Use when deploying a new feature or product line !!Clearly define KPIs for the success of the new feature. Instrument Totango to track these KPIs. Take action depending on the results.!!We greatly increased our confidence in our new product by validating our assumptions. A game changer!!


Play Name:!!

When to use:!!!!

Play Anatomy:!!!!!!


Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014

Lessons Learned:

•  Define KPIs for success up front. This is harder than it sounds, so set aside time to build consensus

•  Have an action plan. What happens if you don’t

meet your KPIs? Prepare ahead of time so that you can react quickly based on actual usage data

•  Prepare to be surprised. Things that seem obvious to you will not seem obvious to customers


Produced by Customer Success Summit 2014 9  

Winning in 2014!

Think  Big  Start  Small  Move>>Fast!  
