Success comes from focusing and simple


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Becken Metallurgy Development

1st Story:

One day, A farmer inspected the barn, then a valuable watch carelessly lost in the barn and he couldn't find it, then he stetted tour prices, promised who can find the watch, will give them 50 dollars.

People under the rich bounty that were eager to hunt, but the warehouse was full of piles of grain where to find a small watch among them. Many people had been busy until the sun goes down which did still not have gained nothing, but to give up $50 of temptation and back home. Leaving a poor child in the warehouse, but that child still did not give up hoping to find it before the sky was completely dark, in order to exchange the bounty.

When the barn slowly became dark, the child was frightened, but he was still unwilling to give up, and kept groping. Suddenly, he found out that after all the voice started to be quiet, there was a strange sound. That sound of tick, tick tock kept ringing, the child suddenly stopped all actions, then the barn became more quiet, ticking sound had become more clear, is the sound of the watch! Finally, the children following the sound, found out the valuable watch in the dark in the barn. This child why he can be success, in fact, is very simple: focusing to one thing, you will open a successful door.

2nd Story:

A British newspaper has held a high bonus activity

The topic is: in one underinflated balloon, carrying 3 scientists that can decide the human being's destiny. The first one is the environmental protection expert, his research can save millions of people from facing the fate of death due to environmental pollution. The second one is the atomic expert, he can prevent the global atomic war, make the earth safe. The third one is the food expert, he can successfully grow grains in using professional knowledge, so that tens of millions of people can be out of hunger fate.

  This balloon is about to crash, have to throw a person to relieve the load, so that the other can survive. So, which scientist should be throw? After the question published, because the bonus amount is huge, there are many replying letters. In the replying letter, there are many answers, even some strange ideas that shows who should be left.

What is your answer??

• The final result was announced: The huge amount of bonus winner is a small boy. His answer is -- throwing out the fat the scientist. The little boy gave a wise and humorous answer which gives us a wake-up call: the simple way of thinking which is often can obtain good success. The best way to solve any difficult problems, which has only one answer, is that follow the demand of real problem rather than blindly discuss the problem itself.

With the growth of age we are used to be self centred of life, he is very mature, always be careful of everything, Setting up a lot of unnecessary roadblocks in their own path of life. Giving yourself a a good excuse: the heart can not be without protection. But why can't we be like a child that just focus on the simple things? Putting two children's stories together, there is to to tell us a successful rule that is focused and simple. In fact, it already exists in everybody's mind, it is important for you to follow your heart to find it, and don't be misled by the previous experience, but to understand how to concentrate and simply thinking. On the way of success how many roadblocks are you placed now?

Inspiration :


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