Storeabox Website re-design



Web design ISN’T only about the design.It’s not about the colors, the layout, the pictures…It IS about the visitor! It’s about their thought process. Understanding the audience, and providing better experience for the visitor, will grab their attention, and entice them to stay. We know that when a visitor stay, we have their attention, we can demonstrate the value of our offer.If they leave before we had their attention, we’ve lost this opportunity.Find out more on

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Store-A-Box Case Study

Website transformation

The brief:

update look & feel increase conversion simplify and update content convert website from static to interactive.

Home Page

Less Text – More images

Give the visitor an immediate reassurance that they have arrived to the right place. A descriptive picture, and a service summary will “grab” the visitors’ attention.


Home Page

There is a fine line between designing a website for Search Engines, and designing a website for people.

The original site had all the right keywords, search terms, and headers. However, it wasn’t easy (looking at website traffic analysis) to navigate through, and get the relevant content quickly. So we have modified the top navigation in a more traditional way, to enable people to find what they need quickly & intuitively.



People don’t read. A Picture says 1000 words…

you get the idea….


Text Overload

We’ve added the social component.Now we need to get social…

We’ve added lots of pictures, some videos, and a blog..This is another way to be “search engine friendly” and “people friendly” at the same time.

We Made it real and authentic! We believe that companies are made of people. We love to show the human side of our clients. After all, people buy from people, don’t they?

What else?


Web design ISN’T only about the design.

It’s not about the colors, the layout, the pictures…

It IS about the visitor! It’s about their thought process. Understanding the audience, and providing better experience for the visitor, will grab their attention, and entice them to stay.

We know that when a visitor stay, we have their attention, we can demonstrate the value of our offer.If they leave before we had their attention, we’ve lost this opportunity.

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