Sonora both phases



Transport Service Potential from Northern Europe to the Eastern Mediteranean

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Market Potential for RO/RO Services

SONORA Local Action Plan

Page 2

First Results , Conclusions and next steps

Trade imbalances, economy, demand for transport services

Port of Venice - Special requirements

Key requirements of RO/RO customers

Consequences, conclusions, the way forward






RO/RO Services Greece/Adriatic/Baltic

Current RO/RO Services connecting Greece / Adriatic

Page 3


EUROSTAT External Trade Database (COMEXT)

INTRASTAT figures obtained for EU-27 countries in the years 2006-08.

AREAS Greece , the reporter country of

exports & imports Partner countries

Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Finland and Sweden Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and


Trade volume analysis

To assess market potential for targeted transportation services

Page 4

Trade Imbalances between Greece and target markets in Central & Northern Europe

Imbalances in trade flows are assumed to cause imbalances in transport capacity utilization (e.g. empty trips of equipment) and are therefore an indicator for available capacities in the opposite direction.








Food and live


Beverages and

t obacco


mat er ials,


except f uels

Mineral f uels,

lubricant s and

relat ed

mat erials

Animal and

veget able oils,

f at s and waxes

Chemicals and

relat ed

product s,


Manuf act ured


classif ied

chief ly by

mat erial

Machinery and

t ransport



manuf act ured

art icles

Commodit ies


t ransact ions

n.e.s. in SITC

Tons Imports 2008

Exports 2008

Net imports 2008

Page 5

Greece‘s top net imports

Product categories (SITC rev. 3 level 2) ranked by 2008 net imports in tons

Page 6

Share of Greek imports by partner country

Identify major importers in product categories, with high imbalances …

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

10 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

9 Vegetables and fruit

8 Iron and steel

7 Plastics in primary forms

6 Road vehicles

5 Cereals and cereal preparations

4 Power-generating machinery and equipment

3 Cork and wood

2 Dairy products

1 Paper, paperboard and articles thereof

Germany Sweden Austria Finland Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Estonia Lithuania Latvia

Page 7

Greece‘s main exports by products & country

Imbalances in trade flows are assumed to cause imbalances in transport capacity utilization (e.g. empty trips of equipment) and are therefore an indicator for available capacities in the opposite direction.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

10 Dairy products

9 Confidential trade

8 Beverages

7 Non-ferrous metals

6 Iron and steel

5 Cereals and cereal preparations

4 Metalliferous ores and metalscrap

3 Crude fertilizers and crudeminerals

2 Chemical materials and products

1 Vegetables and fruit

Germany Sweden Austria Finland Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Estonia Lithuania Latvia

Page 8

Market Potential for Baltic/Adriatic links

Inbound Cargo potential (Trade


Outbound Cargo Potential (Trade


Inbound RO/RO cargo (Interviews, ALPCHECK survey)

Outbound RO/RO cargo (Interviews, ALPCHECK survey)

Looking for demand for existing RO/RO transport services and planned train services between the Baltic & Venice, the focus will be on the following commodities

Paper, Wood, Furniture (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Finland) Dairy Products (Germany, Austria) Cork & Wood (Germany, Austria)

Vegetables, Fruit (Germany, Poland up to Sweden) Cereals (Germany, Poland) Chemicals, metal ores, scrap metals (Germany, Poland, Sweden)

„General Cargo“ (49%), Food & Drinks (21%), Cars (5%), Furniture(3%) Origins:Germany (43%), Netherlands (13%), Italy, Belgium (11%)

„General Cargo“ (20%), Food & Drinks (52%), Cars (4%), Furniture(2%) Destinations: Germany (22%), Netherlands (16%), France, Spain (11%)

Page 9

First Results , Conclusions and next steps

Trade imbalances, economy, demand for transport services

Port of Venice - Special requirements

Key requirements of RO/RO customers

Consequences, conclusions, the way forward






RO/RO Services Greece/Adriatic/Baltic

Current RO/RO Services connecting Greece / Adriatic

Page 10

RO/RO Services Adriatic/Greece

GRIMALDI GROUP Venice – Pireos

HELLENIC SEAWAYS Venice - Corinthe

MINOAN LINES SHIPPING S.A. Venice – Igoumenitsa – Patr

Ancona - Patras ANEK LINES

Venice – Patras


Schiavon Shipping

Terminal Rinfuse Italia

20,000 trailers (2008)




Page 11


Team Shipping Agency Srl

Venezia Terminal Passaggeri S.p.A.


EURO Agency srl

Venezia Terminal Passaggeri S.p.A

35,000 trailes (2008)


Anek Lines Italia

Venezia Terminal Passaggeri S.p.A

12,200 trailers (2008)

Use the same IT Reservation


Grimaldi group owns over 85% of


Shipping Lines

Adriatic – Greece RO/RO & RO-PAX market

2 3 4

Grimaldi group

controls Finnlines


Consolidating shipping industry, very little competition

Three out of four service passengers and accompanied traffic



Page 12

From Venice to Greece Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So

ANEK Lines (Patras) 725 714 727 725 725 903 725

Hellenic Seaways (Corinthos) 761 761 761 761 845 845

MINOAN Lines(Patras) 745 745 730 730 860 920 730

Current prices for RO/RO Services

Prices per trailer

From Greece to Venice Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So

ANEK Lines (Patras)

Hellenic Seaways (Corinthos) 739 739 739 739 739 739 739

MINOAN Lines(Patras)

Page 13

Description Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So

ANEK Lines 19:00 19:00 12:00 12:00

Hellenic Seaways 18:00 18:00 17:00

MINOAN Lines 17:00 14:00 14:00 17:00

Current schedules for RO/RO Services

Weekly departure times fromVenice/Marghera to Patras/Corinthos/

ANEK Lines and MINOAN Lines: RO - PAX ships depart from Venice: Venezia Terminal Passaggeri S.p.A.

Hellenic Seaways: RO/RO ships departing from Marghera: Terminal Rinfuse Italia

Page 14

Consolidated opinion of Venice shipping agents

Concerns of shipping agents

Agreement with administration to use low-sulfur fuel to protect the lagoon‘s ecosystem results in higher fuel costs

Delays and high costs to use Malamocco to Marghera channel Restrictions to access the port for safety reasons (strong winds)

Customers of RO/RO services

Transporters, truckers, brokers and freight forwarders; prominent today are: GARTNER, TRANSCAMION, KOMBIRAIL, ALMA Transport, LKW Walter, VEROSKI

Placeholder for your own subheadline

Sufficient space on vessels, Safety and Security, Guaranteed and reliable departures

Freshfood warehousing, reload facilities, tracking & tracing Planned opening of road in 2009 between Thessaloniki and Igoumenitsa will

change the market

Requirements & Expectations

Page 15

Finding interested partners

Send official APV letter to potential partners: Shipping agents, railroad operators, shippers, freight forwarders

Course of actions performed by APV/Paradigma

Alternative e-mail to chambers of commerce in target countries (Greece, Turkey, …)

Ask for support from SONORA partners (THW)

Personal meetings with interested respondents and other organizations (OEBB Board, WIENCONT, BMVIT)

Follow-up calls and e-mails to non-responses and additional potential partners

Step 1Step 1 Step 2Step 2 Step 3Step 3 Step 4Step 4 Step 5Step 5

Page 16

Transport chain actors approached …


Mondi Group

W. Hamburger GmbH

Papierfabrik Rieger KG

REWE International AG

ASPIAG Management AG

Industrielogistik Linz

Rail Cargo Austria

PKP-Cargo (Poland)

Graz-Köflacher Eisenbahn


Raab-Oedenburger Eisenbahn

Gartner KG

Hoyer GmbH

LKW Walter

Berger Logistik GmbH

DHL Logistics GmbH

JCL Transport und Logistik Gmbh

Wiencont Management Ges.m.b.H.

Page 17

Results of follup-up contacts

INTERCONTAINER Austria, railroad operator, part of OEBB Holding.

Hoyer Gmbh, Freight Forwarder with chemical cargo from Ruhr to Greece & Turkey

Strong interest – active participation

ARS Altmann: Railroad services for automotive sector

LKW Walter: Freight forwarder: Services between Rostock and the Eastern Med.

Spedition Gartner: Freight Forwarder, Services to Greece / Turkey

Schiavon Shipping: Agent for Hellenic Shipping

Interested Observers – potential customers

Hödlmayer, Graz Köflacher

Other destination and routes (Koper, Triest)

ILL and  Logistik Service (Logserv) and DHL

No significant volumes to/from the East.Med.


UMP, Mondigroup

No response, no clear position as of yet …

Not interested (no response or explicit rejection )

Observations and Experiences

Page 18

o Feedback to the letter sent was below expectations; personal contacts and persistent follow up with calls delivered the best results.

o Attempts to involve industry representatives of exporting countries (Nordics, Germany, Austria, … ) in the Eastern Mediterranean countries in the search for shippers:

Two chambers of commerce responded and offered their services for fee.

o Freight forwarders and transport service providers are looking for alternative to existings routes; value not only freight cost benefits but consider total cost of door-to-door delivery.

o Shippers (consigners, consignees) of major traded commodities have often outsourced their transport functions.

o Railroad carriers (mostly still state owned) show only scant interest in the development of new transport services

o Private operators who have already developed services are conscious not to cannibalize their current business.
