Some conversation starters for Rupa and Co



Rupa is one of India's biggest innerwear brands. This presentation was designed as a conversation starter for a meeting without any brief. Here are some ideas on one of Rupa's brands that attempts to create an independent movement around the consumer and the product.

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Some Conversation Starters

for RUPA Tannistho Ghosh +919830165161

The reason for this presentation

• This is a short study of some trends and case studies coupled with a few ideas on what Rupa can do to one of the products.

• This is merely meant to be a conversation starter however, if you can use any of the ideas, please do so.

- Tannistho

For the sake of this presentation…

• I have taken one of the brands at random to analyse strategies and present some ideas.

• Rupa the following reasons:

• It is a comparatively new brand and has

room for maneouver • It is targeted at a consumer segment that

Rupa has not targeted for a while very aggressively.

• It needs a completely different approach

going by its consumer segment.

From the Basic brand communication…

• I have been able to figure out the following tone and voice of the brand.


Is being posed as a brand that can help the kids be smarter.

Is being targeted at the typical parent-kid combination that feeds on ‘sa re ga ma

kids’ and ‘Jhalak Dikhla Ja’ shows

As an innerwear brand, RUPA KIDLINE is probably competing with brands like

Mothercare, Lux, RHAM, etc.

And the distribution channels that you

have include

E-retail in terms of having the products sold through Myntra/Jabong


Sold through physical stores that harbour Rupa


The Target for the brand will be:

Which can be translated into:

Stage: 1. Leading in terms of marketshare among the

Stage 2other categories as well.

(So we shift our perspective from being just an

i.e you compete not just with Lux but with Disney at a longer


Therefore the brand mission can


the better!

Changing the world of kids’ would mean

Helping them adapt to the

changing episodes of their lives.

Gearing them up to face the world better.

Helping them feel good about


Gearing them up to do things

in life.

Which means…

You end up competing with both Disney and Sony Playstation for mindshare and emotional connect.

Probably you end up competing with both in terms of

some of the new expansion plans you create.

The critical success factors to make it

happen will therefore be:

Consumer Penetration in a multi-faceted way

Acquiring consumer loyalty by taking the brand mission to life.

Increase and leadership position in market share

Product Portfolio Expansion in existing category

Penetration into new Category and new business lines for kids’

Target for Stage 1

Target for Stage 2

Therefore to go for Stage 1


Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Building brand image through advertising, activations, distribution point contacts, and change agents.

Creating a scope for a quantum leap in the way you connect to your consumer through disruption

Sealing the bond by living upto the promise that you have created through the disruption.


calculations will

be based on

1. Increase in product sales across e retail and physical retail channels

2. Brand recognition across target segment across th entire geography of distribution.

1. Demand mapping of new products

and initiatives expected out of the brand coming straight from the consumers. to be mapped through research, social media behaviour, consumer connect programs.

Let’s look at some kids’ brands and

how they did things differently.


Ok, two questions before we start:

What does Disney Create? – Content What does Disney sell? – Alternate Realities

The Disney Game • Disney is at present at $4,807 billion

in terms of net income per year with total assets of $72,124 billion.

• When you look closely into what makes it so big and look beyond their multi-faceted product portfolio you find:

• That every single Disney story plays on a

animals as human creatures, (Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Bambi) be it in treating ghosts in pirate ships (Pirates of the Caribbean) or replacing

confused Lion (The Lion King)


• Disney plays on the basic theme of alternate realities and extends it to their complete product portfolio to drive the returns in terms of Disney parks, movies, tv channels, news, etc.

The entire Disney Universe in a nutshell

Now, the argument can go like


Disney is a company whereas Kidline is just a brand then why do we compare?

The argument is we are trying to compare

based on the difference between what is it that we create and what is it that we sell.


Ok, two questions before we start:

What does Oreo produce? – Cream cookies What does Oreo Sell? – Happy Indulgence

Oreo is

• It is about 100 years old

•in the indulgence)

• It has survived through world wars, depression and is still celebrated.

• It is the number one cookie in US, China and even Venezuela.

• It brings in over $ 2 billion dollars per year.

The Oreo Experience

• There is always a happy moment within the existing difficult one.

• Some choices that you make are happy choices

not to dunk is the

Therefore, let’s look at what can

Rupa Kidline sell?

It produces fashionable inners but what is it that it sells?

To answer that question let’s

look at what it should sell.

And where in lies the consumer need?

Today’s children have a lot in

their hands… They are open to the entire world thanks to the cyber space

and television

They are still stuck in the Indian value system which defines them.

There is the constant tussle between the head and the heart, between expectations and performance, between parents and

friends, between what is right and what is attractive.

They also have an intrinsic value system that they create which is very different from what their parents had. For

depicted by media was always a selfish soul. For the child who watches Chhota Bheem, business and deals are an

intrinsic part of life.

And they live …

• Where competition is fierce

• Where street smartness can only pay off when it goes hand in hand with education and intelligence.

• Where the intrinsic challenge and dream is to


Kids are rebellious by nature, interested by instinct. But the world needs them to conform.

So rebelliousness is not necessarily good in the family.

Interests, a lot of times, are also guided by parents (even dance reality shows).

So what they need is…

A coping strategy! A mechanism that will help them make sense of the things around it.

If Kidline as a brand provides it it can stay on with this group just like Disney has done with

their set of children.

Therefore, possible ideas that

Kidline can sell is:

Idea 1:

By the kids, for the kids, of the kids

Idea 2:

Deal with your world.

Idea 3:

Be as you want to be.

Let’s look at one of these and how

it affects the brand.

Idea 1:

By the kids, for the kids, of the kids

•creating a constitution of a parallel world for

children which gears them up to create their own coping strategies for the everchanging and ever-

dynamic world around them.

Now break up the consumer segment

Rupa Kidline


Tier – II premier schools

Tier – II non premier schools

Tier – I

Non premier scchools

Tier – I premier schools

Going by the segmentation…

You are looking at varying degrees of exposure.

The desires, interests and aspirations remain the same.

Now let’s look at the communication

channels that you use…

Mass Media Through the

Line Digital and


Employee Engagement

Trade Engagement


CSR initiatives

Some initiatives that you can take up

in each of these… Create your

wonderkid icon!

Do a hunt for the face of ‘Kidline’ through mass media

and through the line communications and then

design a web series for children using thes icons of Kidline. Use Pogo as your channel of choice

to conduct your hunt.

Creating your television show is too expensive but creating your

exclusive Youtube web series might be easier.

Design The Kidline Social

• Create your own Kidline Social, a social network (using Ning or a social network creator platform) exclusively for kids. Make sure that no one above 18 can become a member of the site.

• Design this programme as a long term initiative where they are created and maintained by children themselves.

• Tie up with a media house to drive this initiative in different cities recruiting ambassadors who will maintain the site. Tie up with computer science departments in schools to drive the campaign.

Use Kidline Social to

• Drive conversations • Create branded content around your products • Engage your audience • Drive key messages such as

• For a day you can have a live Q&A chat with Chhota Bheem • Drive videos and self defence classes.

• Make it critical to figure out that parents can only enter if their children invite them to, otherwise not.

• Drive your web series of Wonderkids parallely in it.

• Give classes and video lectures on Kidline social.

• Make it an exclusive place for children.

• Drive Kidline Social in Tier II towns as well.

Employee Engagement

•children the co-creators of Kidline Social thereby ensuring that you get to:

– Have better engagement

of the employees in the concept

– Better testing grounds for all your prototypes.

Trade Engagement

• Try out Trade Engagement accordingly.

• Give your trade partners a chance to be kids and sell their products better by understanding the kids.

• Create initiatives around it smartly so that they enjoy being kids for a day.

• Involve their children in the creation of Kidline Social so that the brand becomes one tight family.


• Under Kidline Social you can now create a series of CSR initiatives which drives positive word of mouth.

• For example, privileged children ambassadors from Kidline Social can become key players in

– Imparting programming skills to underprivileged kids

– Teach them english language

• The potential for each of these ideas can be big, looking at expenses, it will be wise to stick to mediums that are more engaging and less dependent on mass media as a whole.

• The scope of this idea can be the following: – You can engage Kidline Social to develop a new product line of Rupa Kidline with

designs done by Children themselves.

– You can have children coming on the web and talking about how they designed the next Rupa Kidline products. This can have great PR value for you as well taking Rupa Kidline into the heart of mass media for free.

– In fact, apart from just fashion it can be extended to anything as such.

In terms of project costs

• It costs about $100 to build a social network on Ning. com

• It will cost about 120,000 to hire a programming outfit to build it.

• If you start co-creating with your employees and your trade partners it will probably cost you 50,000 to organise 3-4 sessions with children covering their food and other expenses.

• Once it is done, you have a full fledged product medium through which you can market and build your engagement.

• Once you go into community management by children themselves it will cost you zero to manage the communities on the site.

Those were some ideas. Please do

ignore if you have similar plans in

the foray.

Thank you for sitting through Tannistho
