SMP Solutions Team Development



When you look at an iceberg what do you see? A massive chunk of ice seemingly suspended above the water line? What you are actually seeing is only the tip because at least 90% of the iceberg lies beneath the surface; it’s hidden from view. Is your organisation yet to recognise and realise what actually lies beneath the surface? Let’s take a look at the difference in meaning between above and below the water line, in relation to team development. Above the water line relates to team work. This is what happens to keep the engine or your organisation ticking over. Team work gets the job done, in other words your team is ‘OK’. Below the water line is where the greatest benefits lie. This is the place where team development happens; the place where the strengths and talents of your team lie. Team building will take your business forward, in other words it’s where you can become a ‘Remarkable’ organisation. Team building is about exploring beneath the water line to extract the talents, skills and strengths of your team. This helps to shift the mindset from getting by or working as a team to who are we and what do we stand for. As your team builds you will discover that your shared values can be the blueprint for your success. Together you will realise and readdress opportunities and clarify what is most important for your organisation. Become more ‘obvious’ to your clients and competitors. Obvious equals raising your brand awareness and is a positive reputation builder. Obvious is what lies beneath that you can bring to the surface. Be remembered for being a remarkable organisation and stand out from the crowd! Why settle for ‘OK’ when you can achieve ‘Remarkable’?

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Team awayday in full flow
