Singles day shopping day 2015


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11 Facts About

Singles Day 2015

It is celebrated on 11/11 every year as the

date looks like “sticks”

Created in the mid-1990’s by students at Nanjing


It is kind of like an “Anti-Valentines” to celebrate being single

It was originally intended to be a day

celebrated by going to parties

Although, its supposed to celebrate singlehood, it

has become a day of love.

Primarily Celebrated in China

Singlehood is embraced by self gifting

Popularized by Alibaba in 2009 as a day

to find online deals akin to “Cyber


Now the largest shopping day in the world. Bigger

than Black Friday + Cyber Monday

Alibaba trademarked the term of the day "双十一" (meaning "Double 11") and threatened

litigation against any other retailer that

infringed on their trademark
