Seven Things You Need to Know About Management - MaRS Best Practices



If you’re like most people who have managed projects, process and people, you didn’t learn how to become a manager in a classroom. If you were lucky, you had a good boss from whom you could learn. As an entrepreneur though, how can you build on your experience to become a better manager when you have no one’s example to follow? Charles Plant became an entrepreneur before he was 30 and had to learn to be a manager the hard way, by making mistake after lonely mistake. This Best Practices session outlines the seven things he wished he had known when he started managing and how he eventually learned them. Video link:

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from manager to leader

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management vs leadership

•  managers •  manage tasks •  plan •  organize •  coordinate

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•  leaders •  lead people •  set vision •  communicate •  motivate

30 years of productivity gains

•  automated factory •  data management •  communications

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the next great lever

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so how are we doing at developing leaders?

•  Development Dimensions International •  Global Leadership Forecast

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the importance of leadership

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critical skills

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how are we doing?

•  50% of leaders are ineffective in critical skills

•  38% of companies have high quality leadership

•  18% of companies have strong bench strength

•  31% have effective leadership selection

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•  either we’re not doing enough training and/or the training we are doing isn’t working

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seven key skills to turn you from a manager into a


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skill one - getting results

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getting results - plan

•  you need a written plan

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getting results - organize •  you need to make sure your team’s

work is organized

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getting results - staff

•  you need to make sure you have the right people on board

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getting results - direct

•  you need to provide the right amount and type of direction

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getting results - control

•  you’ll need some feedback mechanism to make sure the work is done properly

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skill two - metrics

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metrics – quality, cost, speed

•  you should be measuring quality, cost and speed

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metrics - activities

•  activity are the things you do

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metrics - outcomes

•  outcome metrics are the results of what you do

•  customer reactions

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metrics - causality

•  look for a causal relationship between what you do and the customer result

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skill three- materiality

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materiality – look at metrics

•  if something does not have a material affect on your metrics, don’t spend any time on it.

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materiality – 80/20 rule

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materiality – gemo

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•  good enough, move on

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skill four - hiring

hiring – job design

•  figure out what metrics the person will be responsible for

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hiring -attitude

•  hire for attitude train for skills

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hiring - resume

•  results, initiative, drive

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hiring- interview

•  listen to the stories they tell

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skill five - delegation

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delegation – your job

•  your job is to get things done through other people, not by yourself

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delegation - micromanagement

•  never, ever manage the immaterial or do your employee’s job

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delegation - abdication

•  don’t just set out the objectives and ignore the person

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delegation - mbwa

•  management by walking around

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skill six - listening

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listening – do it a lot

•  you have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion

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listening - questions

•  ask questions

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listening - think

•  take time to consider the response

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skill seven - emotional intelligence

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emotional intelligence

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emotional intelligence

•  creating meaning in life requires strong relationships and doing so requires emotional intelligence.

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emotional intelligence

•  address the world in a positive manner •  avoid negative •  expressions •  sounds •  attitudes •  statements •  criticism

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why these seven skills?

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employees need:

•  to be successful – results •  to have clear measures – metrics •  to matter - materiality •  to be part of a team – hiring •  to be responsible – delegation •  to be heard – listening •  to be supported – emotional intelligence

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the final word

to be a leader you need to make an emotional connection

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