SEO | SMM | PPC - WebUnleash Freelance Consultants - Portfolio


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Our Portfolio Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Pay Per Click (PPC) This portfolio sums up our expertise, clients, high level strategies for the service offered.




We are US based freelance consultants working in the field of SEO, SMM & PPC for last 7 years and

capable of managing SEO, SMM and PPC projects right from start to its completion keeping in mind the

deadline sensitivity. We follow all the basics before and during the execution of a particular project right

from the thorough research to measuring 'ROI'.

Summary of Key Skills

7+ years of experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consulting

7+ years experience in Social Media Marketing (SMM) campaign management

5+ years of experience in Pay Per Click (PPC) account handling

Very well versed with all on-page SEO elements which include keyword research, title,

description and keyword tags, etc.

Vastly experienced in local SEO and a complete understanding of what it takes to rank website’s


Content is the key for SEO and we make sure that our client’s website content must be SEO

friendly so as to gain authority in Search Engines

Very much familiar with all the Google updates like Panda and Penguin and understand the

sensitivity of black hat SEO techniques

Provides rescue management services for websites hit by Google Panda & Penguin

Off-page is as important as On-page and therefore we focus more on off-page SEO techniques

once we are done with on-page elements

Build quality natural back links with unique anchor text via advanced off-page techniques

Major channels to focus while we offer off-page techniques are directory submissions, social

bookmarking, press release submissions, article submission, classified submissions, etc.

No black hat techniques, No fake results, just goal oriented clean approach

Social media caters a huge market and we understand how to target this market as per your

business and drive traffic to your website

We can create effective pages on social platforms like Facebook Fan page, LinkedIn company

page, etc. to enhance the brand visibility

Community creation and management is one of its kind where and we help brands in creating

their brand community with huge number of friends and followers

Vastly experience in forums discussions as forums have huge reach and influence, we target

related forums to initiate discussions and drive targeted traffic

Apart from these activities, we also target other channels like blog commenting, YouTube video

promotion, generating views, etc.

Vastly experience in PPC account management and guaranteed return on investments (ROI)

Handled PPC campaigns for small, mid and large size industries like Pharma, e-commerce, IT,

food industry, security, law, finance, hotels and restaurants with proven results


Goal oriented and confident to increase the referral traffic by 10-15% of the current traffic in initial


Very much familiar with Google Analytics, we will integrate it with every campaign to monitor

campaign performance and keep our clients updated with campaign achievements

Weekly and monthly reporting of campaign activities along with the achievements in terms of

traffic, reach, influence, clicks, followers, return on investments (ROI), etc.

Services Offered

Search Engine Optimization (Universal)

Local SEO

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Community Management

Brand Reputation Management

Blog Management

Content Creation & Enhancement

Social Media Monitoring

Ghost Blogging

Brand Reputation Management

Google Analytics and Tracking

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Strategic Project Planning

Local SEO/SMM for individual entities like lawyers, financial experts, bloggers, etc.

Viral Marketing

Video Marketing

Online Advertising

Region Specific Marketing

Market Research & Analysis

Competitive Research & Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Lead Nurturing


Execution Process It includes the implementation strategy right from website analysis to the competitive analysis, kind of

targeted keywords, strategy adopted, major drawbacks in current strategy, things need to be corrected if

implemented in a wrong way or target things that have been missing or not targeted so far.

Below mentioned are the detailed activities performed for each project related to SEO, SMM and PPC.

Website SEO Analysis (Specimen)

On Page Factors Current Status Impact

Title Tags Not Optimized Online brand visibility

Meta Description & Keywords x Describes a web page

XML Sitemap x Search engine crawling and indexing

Robots.txt x Search engine readability

Heading Tags Not Optimized Importance of a page to search engines

Link Optimization x User engagement and experience

Image Optimization x User readability

Content Interlinking x Better user engagement and retaining

Customized 404 Error Page x User engagement

Duplicate Content Check x To avoid search engine penalty

Website Content Too Low Better search engine rankings

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Objectives

Increase visibility and traffic in SERP’s

Enhance overall web presence to expand market reach of your business

Safeguard and penetrate brand keywords to increase queries

Achieve and sustain higher search rankings for better conversions

Activities to be performed: (On-Page)

Keyword research - Search keywords that are most relevant to the overall page content along with the

variations of those keywords for your business. Also, explore competitor keywords to understand the kind

of keywords they are targeting and how we can leverage those.

Website Content – Content needs to be added to the current website (your business) so as to rank high

in search engines and beat the competition. Current website lacks unique content and explanation.


Title & Meta Tags - The Meta description helps people decide whether to click on your result, or a result

above or below yours. We will create Meta descriptions for every single page as per the content of that

page and use keywords targeted for that page in the content of the descriptions as well for your business.

XML Sitemap - We will create an XML sitemap as it is very important to ensure high crawlability for your

website. It guides search engines about the content of your website and where to crawl it from i.e. which

url’s of your business to be crawled.

Robots.txt - Robots.txt is a simple text document that search engine spiders read before they enter,

crawl and index your website. These are important to tell search engines which pages they can access

and which not. One should allow the pages to be indexed as ‘allowed’ in robots.

Heading Tags - Header tags tell the search engines that this is the headline of your page. One has to

make sure the header tags should not include “no index,” “no follow,” and “no archive” as they won’t allow

search engine to crawl your web page. We will apply heading tags as per the page suitability as H1, H2,


Link Optimization - Link primary keyword of a page on other pages within the site as anchor text. The

relevant keyword in the title of the link helps in improving keyword density. It helps in improving search

engine rankings and improves organic traffic quality. We will apply suitable title attributes to the links so

as to target the priority keywords for your business

Image Optimization - Any images used on the page of your business should be optimized so that search

engines can “read” the image. Optimize the images with primary keywords along with the alt and title

attribute for better user engagement and higher search engine rankings.

Content Interlinking – Linking the relevant content of a particular page of your business to their

corresponding landing page helps in better user experience and optimizing those links with targeted

keywords helps in improved search engine rankings.

Customized 404 Error Page - A customized error page (with 404 http code) is required to inform search

engines that the page is broken and should not be indexed. Also, it will help in retaining visitors on the

other website pages. It’s important to add links of other relevant pages and contact address to the

customized 404 error page for better user experience.

Duplicate Content Check - .It is very important as per search engines to have pages with unique

content. Search engines give value to the original content and penalize the duplicate content websites. If

there are few copies with same content, one can apply 301 redirect to the page you want search engines

to index.


Activities to be performed: (Off-Page)

Directory Submissions

Social Bookmarking

Local Submissions

Search Engine Submissions

Industry Forum Discussions

Press Release submissions

Article Submissions

Classified Submissions

Social Media Marketing Objective

To increase the social media presence across multiple online platforms

Enhance reach and influence using social media channels

Showcase your brand as an expert thought leaders in the related field

Improve online reputation and increase individual authority of your brand

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Facebook & Google+ Strategy

Identifying top industry groups for targeting potential customers

Engaging into one to one discussions with prospects

Creating brand awareness by comments, likes and discussions

Inviting people on the fan page for further engagement

Enhance overall reach and influence of your business

Twitter Strategy

Identifying and following top influential industry profiles

Follow industry specific people as well as the competitors

Check @replies of the competitors to see what their followers are looking for and what

questions they ask

Spreading knowledge via regular tweets in terms of latest updates, product and service

updates, etc.

Creating list of top prospects and discussing with them

Use # tags to place your tweet into lists people are monitoring


LinkedIn Strategy

Search business prospects and add them to network of your business

Join industry related groups and participate in group discussions

Invite experts from your niche to be guest bloggers on your blog (if any)

Leverage third party application like Slideshare, etc. to share content

Frequent profile updates with LinkedIn status message and respond to comments


Identifying top industry related groups for targeting potential customers.

Identifying top industry communities to persuade them

Engaging into one to one discussions

Creating brand awareness by comments and discussions

Inviting people to the profile to enhance reach and influence

Forum Discussions

Identifying top industry related forums

Initiating new discussions around the products and services offered and measuring audience


Engaging into ongoing discussions and creating awareness about the your business services

Promoting your business as a best industry experts


Identifying top industry related blogs

Commenting on relevant blogs by understanding the nature of post

Gathering opinions of the audience

Pay Per Click (PPC) Objective

Increase the Return of Investment (ROI)

Reduced Cost Per Click (CPC)

Target potential Customers

Branding the Business

Increase the visibility of Business.

Instant traffic to business website


Pay Per Click (PPC) Strategy:

Includes a high level plan to achieve goals through implementation and execution of a successful Pay Per

Click (PPC) campaign.

Following are the steps to be incorporated SEM strategy plan of actions:

Competitive Analysis

To analyze the current and potential competitors To study the keywords, content and ad texts being used by the competitors To analyze other important aspects like call to actions, banners, images for landing


Keyword Research - Identify keywords that are most relevant, popular and competitive based on the

final list of pages, and specify search advertising terms, from broad match to exact match, which expands

the ad exposure and can be used to reduce average cost-per-click.

Account Set Up and Structure Finalization - The first step of PPC is to be set up an SEM Campaign

account, select the campaign search engine and other required platforms and number of campaigns to

run, ad groups and keywords to categorize.

Create Ad Copies -

To create ads with compelling text and a call to action messages in text/images for the

search network and display network To insert important keywords in ad copies to make ad content more relevant according to

the landing pages

To create effective customized image ads as per guidelines

Targeting Platforms: To target Google Adwords platform by leveraging the mentioned techniques;

Search Network (keyword based targeted campaign) – Ads are matched with the search

result pages based on the terms a user types to search Display Network (content based targeted campaign) - showing text/image ads on the other

website related to our product and services.

Geographical Targeting-To choose the geographic location where ads will appear. It helps in targeting

ads to customers in that particular country/region.

Ad Scheduling: To specify the hours and days when ads will show on search & display network. Performance Monitoring -Performance monitoring includes monitoring and analyzing the performance

of all keywords and ads and make changes or add keywords and ads if needed. On daily basis, the

current keyword bid amounts will be monitored while making sure we optimize them on each aspect.

Performance monitoring will include:


Analysis of the performance of selected keywords and ads.

Verifying if keyword bid amount is adequate.

Analyze the search term report.

Keeping a balance between spending and visits delivered.

Analysis the converting keywords and search the variations of those keywords and run them to increase

the Conversions (Leads).

PPC Campaign Optimization -Campaign optimization involves optimization of entire PPC campaign

structure, which includes continuously improving the relevancy of keywords, advanced targeting options

like search engine targeting, content targeting, etc., and A/B testing for ads. In addition, We will do the

following: Identify and stop the use of keywords that below average performance.

Perform regular A/B testing for ads.

Continuously research and add new performing keywords to the campaign.

Identify the negative keywords and add negative keywords to the campaign.

Adjust bid strategy as required and optimize cost per click for all campaigns.

Traffic Analysis and Monitoring -It includes monitoring and analyzing many actionable insights like

clicks, impressions, CTR (click through rate), conversions, CPC (cost per click) and more. Also, it gives us

a detailed analysis about how ads performed on actual searches, and helps us identify the new search

terms with high potential. We will perform following tasks: Examine actual Conversions (Leads) on SEM keywords and ads.

Regularly monitor paid traffic to the website.

Analyze cost per click and click through rate for the keywords and ads.

Identify actual cost per click to determine paid traffic clicks.


Dashboard & Reporting (Monthly)

Monthly Search Engine Optimization (SEO) report will highlight below mentioned factors and


Monthly search engine traffic (Organic Traffic)

Bounce Rate

Average time on site

Top Keywords

% New Visits

Page Views

Traffic Segmentation

Monthly Social Media Marketing (SMM) Report Includes:

Monthly Referral Traffic (Visits)

Average Visit Duration

% New Visits

Bounce Rate

Top Sources

Our Clients

DesignPetals (SEO Project)

Rio born experts know Rio De Janeiro like no other Travel website. is biggest website for Rio

carnival tickets, hotels booking, tour packages, and Rio Carnival guide.

SEO Achievements

Our job in this website was to implement SEO, Social Media and Internal Linking. Here are the details of

the key responsibilities:


Keywords Search and Analysis

Meta (Title, Description) Creation and implementations

Mobile/tablet Friendly Design

Content Optimization

Internal Linking

Creating new static (HTML) web pages for SEO purpose

URL optimizations

Site Map Creation

Search Engine and Directories Submissions

Social Media Marketing (Facebook, twitter)

Testing for user experience as well as search engine friendliness

Reporting and Analysis (Google Analytics)

Keywords Google Ranking

Rio Carnival 3

Rio Carnival Tickets 5

Rio Carnival Hotels 3

Rio Carnival Guide 3

*All the rankings are taken at the time of the project is a child website for It offers carnival tickets, hotel booking, tour packages and

complete information about carnival and rio.

SEO Achievements

Our job with was to work with implement SEO. In this project we did implement Social

Media Marketing for brand awareness and rankings.

Key Responsibilities:

Keywords Search and Analysis

Meta (Title, Description) Creation and implementations

Content Optimization


Creating new static (HTML) web pages for SEO purpose

Mobile/tablet Friendly Design

URL optimizations

Site Map Creation

Search Engine and Directories Submissions

Social Media Marketing

Testing search engine friendliness

Reporting and Analysis (Google Analytics)

Keywords Rankings

Rio carnival tickets 9

Sambadrome Parade 5

Rio Carnival Hotels 6

Rio Carnival Costumes 3

*All the rankings are taken at the time of the project

Autounleash is an automotive blog that caters worldwide car market, latest news and updates from the

related industry.

SEO Achievements

Our job with was to grow the website's organic traffic. In this project we also

implemented Social Media Marketing for brand awareness and rankings. Within 3 months of campaign

activities, we reached to 10,000+ visits per month.

Key Responsibilities:

Keyword Research and Analysis

Meta (Title, Description) Creation and implementation

Content Optimization

Mobile/tablet Friendly Design

URL optimization

Site Map Creation


About WebUnleash

We are a bunch of guys who are working in the field of SEO, SMM and PPC for over 7 years now. We have worked with esteemed companies at top level in the related field and off-late started our own freelance business. We understand the market trends, what our client expects from us once they will choose our services and what it takes to meet their expectations. We want to make it very clear here that we as WebUnleash, neither is a company nor an agency and we are working as an independent freelance group which we believe is our strength.

Contact us at Website: Read some of our case studies at

Search Engine and Directories Submissions

Social Media Marketing

Testing search engine friendliness

Reporting and Analysis (Google Analytics)

Keywords Rankings

Maruti Suzuki Swift 7

Maruti Alto Interiors 9

Tata Safari Storme Exteriors 6

Mahindra Thar Diesel 3

*All the rankings are taken at the time of the project
