Selling Shares in a Company in Dubai


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Selling Shares in a Company in Dubai

A presentation brought to you by our law firm in Dubai


Companies that Can Sell Shares in Dubai


Joint stock companies can issue and sell shares in Dubai. They are a popular business choice among investors who want to list their companies on the Stock Exchange.

This types of companies are more suited for large businesses.


Other Types of Companies in Dubai

Investors also have other choices when deciding to open a company in Dubai. The private limited company cannot be listed on the Stock Exchange, but its shares can be transferred under certain conditions.

The requirements for all of the company types in Dubai are described in detail in the Commercial Companies Law.


Trading Company Stock in Dubai >>

Public limited companies in Dubai can be listed on the Stock Exchange.

The Dubai Financial Market is a leading financial market in the Emirates. Investors can trade securities issued by public shareholding companies.


>> Trading Company Stock in Dubai

Investors who want to sell shares in a company in Dubai can also list companies on the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ.

The listing requirements may differ among the various listing options. Investors are advised to verify compliance before making the applications.


Company Share Transfer in Dubai >>

Share transfer or sale is possible for joint-stock companies in Dubai. If the investors expressly wish to do so, the process is also possible for private limited companies, however certain conditions do apply.

Investors who want to go forth with such a change can request the help of one of the Dubai attorneys.


>> Company Share Transfer in Dubai

The transfer or sale of shares in a company must be approved by the board.

In the case of limited liability companies, when the company shares are sold, the ownership of the company changes.


Selling a Business in Dubai >>

When investors want to sell a business, a good option instead of selling the entire company is to sell shares of that legal entity.

The process is similar to selling the whole business and it involves the transfer of shares described in this presentation.


>> Selling a Business in Dubai

When selling a large portion of a company’s shares in Dubai, an amendment needs to be made to the trade license.

One of our lawyers in Dubai can help you draw up and submit the new documentation.


Assistance for Company Management in Dubai

Foreign investors in Dubai can handle various types of company management matters with the help of a lawyer.

You can contact our law firm in Dubai for additional legal advice and support.


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