Sales Coaching with IMPACT!!




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Case Study: Sales Coaching - Isiddhi CSC Model

Sector: IT/Software

Solutions: Customer Intelligence

Predictive Analysis

Data Management

Cloud Computing

Software Development

Revenue: $AUD 55-60 million

Sales Force: 12

Challenges: Sales team failed to apply selling skills from training

Sales managers lacking tactical strategies to motivate & turnaround team performance

Sales team incapable of generating their own solutions

Sales team lacking confidence in moving outside of their comfort zone

Sales team not optimizing strengths to achieve personal best

Client Facts


Explained our style of coaching & inquired previous coaching experience.

Craft a personalized file for each sales team. It shapes discussions, goals & accountability. Sign off.

Set coaching expectations, goals, benefits they expect & how they want to be coached

Live joint appointments with sales team to identify selling skills gaps

Create positive, non-judgemental & process driven space. Allows an open, outside the comfort zone & creative coaching session.

1-1 inquiry based meeting to empower sales team solve own selling skills challenges.

Process & possibilities focus conversation. Encourage them to write up their own solution.

Confirm expectations were met. Outline measurable steps. Gain commitment.

Share the process with managers. Inspire them to acquire coaching skills sets.


Want to know how to stand out of the crowd?

Isiddhi CSC Coaching empowered our clients to think & act different.
