Rod Jones Contact Centre Optimisation Trends 200811

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Contact Centre Optimisation Trends

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The survey sample closely resembles the regional breakdown of the Contact Industry Hub database which formed the basis of the sample extraction;

On a national basis the overall sample of 313 is representative of the CIH database at a 95% confidence interval.


Cape Town (Western Cape)

Durban (KwaZulu Natal)

Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape)• •

•Bloemfontein(Free State)•

Sample Size = 313

Sample Size = 313

Sample Size = 308


Winds of changeWinds of changeBoomers Generation Generation

Generation statistics

Percent of population 41% 20% 14%

Ave. no. of hours spent at work per week 42.6 39.1 35.4

Percent reporting that their job 'severely' or 'very severely' interferes with their family life 14% 29% 36%

Percent of 'leavers' (people considering leaving their jobs) who cite work/life imbalances as a key reason 12% 45% 48%

Percent who would like additional responsibility in the workplace 60% 39% 23%

Percent of men who would like more flexible working arrangements 23% 69% 75%

Percent of women who would like more flexible working arrangements 65% 83% 85%

Percent of men who predict that they will work on a part-time basis in the next 5 years 1% 12% 19%

Percent of women who predict that they will work on a part-time basis in the next 5 years 15% 19% 36%

© 2007-2008 Quest Flexible Staffing Solutions. All rights reserved.

Percent reporting that they would leave their jobs for greater control over their work schedules 1% 66% 85%

Percent reporting that they would leave their jobs for greater flexibility 2% 59% 92%

Percent reporting that they would leave their jobs for the ability to work fewer hours 1% 48% 64%

Percent reporting that they would leave their jobs for the ability to telecommute 0% 50% 75%

Percent who expect to leave their current employers in the next year 43% 52% 70%

Used with permission

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