Resources and Tools For Website Development


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CSS Guidelines

Let’s kick off with something really useful. These CSS

Guidelines, created by an independent Consultant

Front-end Architect from the UK, aren’t for beginners.

The author keeps adding to the guidelines so web

developers always have the most up-to-date

information to go about their work.


Play Framework

For building web applications with Java and

Scale, Play Framework is top notch. It’s

extremely developer-friendly as all you need is a

browser and text editor.

You can trust Play Framework to work as most of

the Java libraries can be used in Play, plus the

complier and runtime are on JVM, meaning your

apps run really fast. 3


This is a Chrome Browser Extension that’s open

source. It allows you to measure everything you

see in the browser, such as images, input-fields,

buttons, videos, gifs, text, and icons.

You can set a keyboard shortcut in the Chrome

setting at the end of the extensions list so that

you can quickly enable and disable the tool.


Apache Couch DB

“A database for the web” is how Apache Couch

DB describes itself. It’s an open source product

and you’re able to store documents and data in

the cloud with JSON documents, and then Index,

combine, and transform your documents using




Flynn uses integration of various components to

create a system. The components “talk” to each

other and adapt, meaning your app deployment

and scaling as well as your databases can be

managed easily.


Bug Muncher

Web developers are always hearing complaints

from users once the site has been built – no

matter the amount of testing, there will always

be bugs and personal preferences. Bug Muncher

makes providing this feedback really easy.


Uptime Robot

Another area of web development that should be

constantly going on in the background is the

monitoring of a website’s performance. Uptime

Robot does this for you. It checks 50 of your

monitors every five minutes, including the HTTP(s),

Ping, Port, and keywords. You can choose how to be

alerted–for example, through email, SMS, or even

Twitter. You’re able to view uptime, downtime, and

response times as well. 8


Uilang is a programming language for web

designers that’s minimal and ui-focused. It

allows you to create aspects of your website,

such as popovers, tabs, galleries, and overlays.

It’s designed as feature-light to make it simple

for those without much programming




Another programming language, Scala allows

you to construct elegant hierarchies for

maximum code reuse and extensibility, as well

as for implementing their behavior using higher

order functions. You can integrate with Java as

Scala runs on the JVM.


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