Research supervision by Pam Parkerarker

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Dr Pam Parker & Dr Naomi Hammond

Spend five minutes thinking about your supervision experiences

What works really well?

What changes if any would you like?

We will share these as a group

Getting the right supervision is key to your success

This includes having a supervisor who knows your topic and research approach

Your supervisor being someone you can get on

You and your supervisor agreeing a way of working that suits

No two supervisors will work the same way and so there are a range of approaches used

This is a very practical approach

The supervisor tends to follow the PhD pathway so from you starting to ethics, to upgrade, submission and viva

Has a project management approach

Focused on developing skills

Have a set approach on working with you and provides deadlines

In this approach there is an apprenticeship feel

This approach is about you becoming a member of the academic community

Supervisor acts as a gatekeeper to resources but provides specific expertise personally

Tends to have control over what is happening

Seen as essential to a PhD

Requires having a conceptual framework which can be justified

Addressing gaps, boundaries and methodology

Moves from dependence to independence

This is a process

Support, mentoring and sponsoring are important

Key tasks and activities are included

Again move towards independence

Developing a good working relationship and ways of working

Knowing what is expected

Knowing how contact will be made and who is responsible

Knowing what records need to be kept

Knowing how to approach problems

In groups use one of the scenarios and discuss how you would

approach some of these issues

Why? ensure that you are meeting with your supervisor(s) regularly and that

you are making good academic progress

enable you to identify any training needs, raise any issues of resource and discuss career development opportunities

provide you with the opportunity to discuss any areas of concern with your supervisor(s) before they escalate out of control

How? through regular written reports including annual reports

through an e-Portfolio, such as PebblePad or through Research And Progress
