Relationship Marketing for Home Inspectors


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Would you like to:

• Get more Referrals from previous clients and the people in your network?

• Develop a word-of-mouth by referral business and stop advertising?

• Make more money in the process?

The 80/20 Rule:

80% of all your communications should be all about the Relationship

20% of your communications should be asking for their business or for referrals

Key Benefits of Relationship Marketing in Your Business:

1. Your Customers and Contacts will know they are Appreciated

2. You will be Remembered in a positive way, especially when your services are needed

3. Maintain Top-of-Mind awareness

4. Past clients will come back, and Refer their friends to you

We are living in a word of mouth world!

Its not so much about ROI anymore, its about People

“The world of business is coming full circle, it is a fundamental shift in how businesses are expected to behave.

To take advantage, businesses will need to look backwards and scale the caring their grandparents' businesses exhibited towards their customers or watch their competition pass them by.”

~ Gary Vaynerchuk

So, what sets you apart?

"People will forget what you say

They will forget what you do

But they will never forget

How you make them feel"

~ Maya Angelou

There is power in a heartfelt ‘Thank You’

A personal message,

in a real greeting card with a small gift,

delivered to their mail box,

stands out now more than ever!

SendOutCards: a Relationship - Building System

SendOutCards Introduction:

With SendOutCards you can: • Manage your contacts and have them all at your fingertips

• Import your contacts all at once, and new ones as you meet them

• Get Birthday and Anniversary reminders

• Create a custom card specific to the person you’re sending it to

• Take photos of clients and homes and Send the photos in a card, with a gift

• With Campaigns, create and save Card template to use over and over again:

• Quickly send Nice to Meet You and Thank You cards out to an entire list of contacts

• Schedule Birthday cards to mail out automatically each month of the year

• Schedule Anniversary cards to mail out once a year

How to Send a Card & a Gift:


are available for

each system feature

5 Ways to Grow your Home Inspection Business using Relationship Marketing and SendOutCards:

1. Build strong Relationships with Realtors

◦ Nice to meet you, Thank you, Appreciation, Celebrate their life events

2. Build more profitable Relationships through Networking

◦ Nice to meet you, Follow Up, Appreciation, Celebrate their life events

3. Follow up more regularly with Clients and Prospective Clients

◦ Thank prospective clients for the Opportunity to work with them

◦ Thank new clients for their business

◦ On the 1 year anniversary of their inspection

◦ Ask for Referrals “Who do you know”?

4. Mail your Newsletter to Contacts and past Clients

5. Mail Introductory cards to Homes with 'For Sale' signs in the yard

an example) During a home inspection, take photos of the home and the people there. Put them in a card & send w/a small gift.

Testimonial from a Home Inspector (#1):

“Gary S., a home inspector in Georgia is using SendOutCards a lot!

After every inspection, Gary takes a picture of the house and sends a Picture Plus card to the realtor who referred the business, thanking them.

One of the realtors who frequently refers business to him has about 12 thank you cards tacked up on the walls of his office. What a great advertisement for Gary!"

Testimonial from a Home Inspector (#2):

"Sendoutcards is blowing the top off of my business! I'm so excited about it that i'm telling people I know; the application of this technique is universal and can be used for mortgage brokers and insurance agents.

If I charge $350 for a home inspection then the cost of a card & gift is essentially under 2% of my gross income on that inspection.

Typically when people are doing home inspections this means that they are talking to their friends and co-workers about home inspections which means your are now put into a position of being referred or not. Why chance it when you can seal the deal for about $6.00 per new client?

You don't always have to send a gift, but I like to send one with a card to the people I meet at home buyer seminars and other events."

- Mike M.

How one successful Home Inspector incorporates SendOutCards into his daily business:

“My primary use of SOC is birthday cards, thank you cards and keeping in touch cards. These go to agents, buyers and sellers I've done business with.

Any referral I get, I will send a thank you card to the referrer and include brownies, cookies or a gift card to express my appreciation.

This all garners a lot of extra business for me. I have learned no matter how good you are or how much money you saved them, they forget you almost

immediately. But if you keep in touch with a birthday card or thinking of you card they always remember you. People love to be appreciated and it leaves an

indelible make on their psyche.

Each day after my inspections are complete I enter the names, addresses and birthdays of the agents, buyers and sellers into the data base. Birthdays are pretty

easy to get these days off of facebook but usually I'll ask them straight out if they mind if I put them on my birthday card list and they always happily agree. Then

I just get the month and day. Once I put that info in I assign them to a 3 year birthday card campaign that I created.

I'll also send the seller a funny "thank you for allowing us to invade your home card" because they are potential buyers. and I'll either send a "nice to meet you"

or "thanks for the business" card to the sellers and buyers agents along with putting them on the birthday card campaign.

Additionally all clients and agents get assigned to seasonal cards and holiday cards. But by far the birthday cards are most powerful. I think it's because you

thought of them and associated yourself with their most important day of each year. By the way, the cards I send cost 93 cents + postage and they're good

quality but most of all they do all the stuffing, stamping and mailing. It's insanely cheap and time effective.”

How one successful Home Inspector incorporates SendOutCards into his daily business (part 2):

“I use the campaigns a lot because it's a huge timesaver.

I use these campaigns for Fsbo's, Expireds and Builders anniversary inspections to get the pre listing inspections or the builders anniversary inspections.

The new construction names I import to the contact manager in January for the entire prior years sales and I assign them to monthly campaigns that go out in a two card sequence 6 weeks and 4 weeks prior to the expiration of their builders warrenty.

On the FSBO's and expireds I go for the pre-sale inspection campaign "selling your house fast with less aggravation"

This campaign list some of the benefits and a special package deal I have exclusively for home sellers.”

(free access to these, for new users!)

Home Inspector cards (examples):

Home Inspector cards (examples):

Home Inspector cards (examples):

Home Inspector cards (examples):

3 Card campaign for home inspectors:

First, send a Thank You card with brownies to the Realtors (listing and selling) and to the Client.

Then add each person to a Campaign that will mail 3 cards to them, automatically, over the next year:

Card 1) Happy Birthday

Card 2) Home Maintenance Tips (applicable to the season)

Card 3) Happy Anniversary (of home purchase)

How to Get Started:

Do you think this is one of those?

…then ask about the Distributor Subscription!

Benefits of the Distributor Subscription:

• 100 free points included

• Get 5% back on your own card & gift purchases

• Refer 3 customers and get your 100 point subscription Free every month ($31 monthly value)

• Receive a % on every card and gift your referrals purchase

• Receive Bonuses

• Have your own Self - Funding Marketing System!

What to do next:

1. Incorporate Relationship Marketing into your Business for immediate and long-term benefits.

2. Complete and Turn In your SendOutCards Enrollment Form

a) your Account will be activated this weekend

b) you will have free access to all Card Campaigns shown here today
