Reflective Bubbles Jackie 1234561503354876 3


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Reflective Bubbles

First you need to get a picture similar to this.

Then you duplicate the layer.

You duplicate the layer by right clicking in the layers pallet on the layer you want to duplicate, then click “duplicate layer”

Then resize the duplicate layer so its easier to work with.

Then follow these steps:- Edit>transform>scale- Edit>flip>horizontal/vertical- -Edit>transform>perspective

Now use the elliptical tool & make a perfect circle around the picture that you want to reflect.

Then go to select>inverse and press delete That should have deleted everything around the bubbleNow to deselect press CTRL+DThen go to Filter>Distort>Spherize(setting at 100%)

Now you want to change your foreground color to a lighter color

Now go to Layer>Layer Style>Gradient Overlay

Make the foreground to transparent & the opacity to soft light, reduce opacity down to 93%, towards the right change it to reverse. Change the style to radial

Then go to Layer>Layer style>Blending options and change type to “Color Dodge” ( or whatever you feel is right for your picture) no adjust the “Fill” of the layer to 65%

Now in blending options go to inner shadow in the structure area set the blend mode to soft light, the follow this...

-Distance>22px-Choke>54%-Size>45px THEN YOUR DONE!!!
