Real leadership author muthusiva



Sustainable Leadership is what is required for the world. Leaders can come and go but with the real leadership qualities you are remembered and respected for ever. Muthu Siva

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Real Leadership Author:

Muthu Siva

ME(Distinction), MBA(Australia)


Version 1.0

6 February 2013

Real Leadership - Author: Muthu Siva 1

REAL LEADERSHIP I am publishing this paper on Real and sustainable Leadership. I am exposed to many cultures and captured what I think are the attributes of real and sustainable leadership.

•I can fully control my senses and emotions

•The output of work I am doing is beneficial to the world (People and nature)

•I have a vision

•I have a strategy to achieve this vision

•All my family/team/friends/stakeholders/shareholders trust me fully

•I have measurable goals for myself and the organisation/business

•I help others to become leaders

•I help others to achieve their goals

•The team working with me have a vision and measurable goals

•I influence my team/friends/stakeholders/shareholders through mutual trust

6 February 2013

Real Leadership - Author: Muthu Siva 2
