Ready, Click and Buy: Best Practices of Building an Effective "Call to Action"


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05/02/2023 1Footer Text

Ready, Click and Buy: Best Practices of Building an Effective

"Call to Action"

05/02/2023 2

Use Active Language• Remember: Action

is active. Don’t be passive and expect stellar results. Active language commands the reader to do something directly – it doesn’t refer to things in passing or from a third-party point of view.

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• Passive (Bad): “Our Product Will Save You Time and Money”Active (Good): “Save Time and Money!”

• Passive (Bad): “Customers Who’ve Tried Our Product Love It”Active (Good): “Try Our Product – You’ll Love It!”

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Speak in Benefits, not Features

• People buy holes, not drills, right? Make sure your call-to-action also speaks to the most important benefits the customer is seeking. Your goal is to make them believe your product will alleviate the pains that keep them up at night.

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• Feature: “Shiny, sleek looking design”Benefit: “You’ll be the talk of the town”

• Feature: “Powerful brushless motor design”Benefit: “You’ll get the job done faster

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Tip: How to convert a feature into a

benefit•  For every feature of your product,

ask • “Why will the customer want this?” • When you’ve answered it, ask it again

and again, until you can’t drill down any further. This is the best way to get to the core benefits of a product.

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• Feature: “Shiny, sleek looking design”Why is this useful? “It looks great!”Why is this useful? “People will stare from afar!”Why is this useful? “They’ll envy me for having it!”Why is this useful? “I’ll feel important.”

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Be Specific: Use Facts & Numbers

• Numerous studies have shown that cold, hard facts – especially presented in numeric form – contribute to higher conversion rates. Compare these headlines to see for yourself:

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• Weak: “Our Products Will Make You Money!”Powerful: “85% of Customers Make Their Money Back Within 30 Days!”

• Weak: “How to Hire a Good Plumber”Powerful: “5 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Plumber”

• Weak: “Pet Potty-Training Tips and Advice”Powerful: “30 Must-Know Secrets to Keep Fido From Pooping on the Carpet”

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Use Power Words• Power words are words

that we’ve been virtually programmed to elicit a response to. There are many power words that are used in the advertising you see today, some of which include:

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Power Words• Secret• Free• Powerful• Mistakes• Guaranteed• New• You / Your

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• The first bunch you’ve likely heard of, but the last one may be surprising. “You” is one of the most powerful works in sales language. It works because we’ve been programmed to pick our name out of a conversation. “You” has the same effect in written language, because our brain instantly converts “You” into our own name. Take these examples:

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• Weak: “Customers absolutely love our product.”Strong: “You will absolutely love our product.”

• Weak: “Our product is designed to increase sales quickly.”Strong: “Watch YOUR sales increase in as little as a week!”

• Do you agree the second one is stronger?

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Conclusion• These are just a few tips you can

implement to make a more powerful Call to Action. Implementing just these will likely improve your conversion rates dramatically. 

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About Doug McIsaac• I love helping companies experience exponential

growth. If you are starting out and are dead-serious about taking action and growing a business, I can help you.

• Let's schedule a call and get to work!
