Quiz - Online Regulation


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Oscar, Sam and Wada

What does IWF stand for?

Internet Watch Foundation

Over the past few years with in

online media regulation what has

been referred to decentralised



What does ISP stand for?

Internet Service Provider

When did police, encouraged

by the politicians, raid an

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

and try to prosecute for

„obscenity‟? 1996

When did David Cameron

publicly discuss his plans to

introduce a mandatory web

filter system?

December 2012

Why is it so hard to censor the


Due to the size of the internet

What does the „cleanfeed‟ filter

system refer to ?

All websites containing child

pornography are filtered by the

whole of the UK‟s Internet service


Who said that violent teenage

offenders generally watched

less TV and film, and were less

likely to use technology than

their peers?

David Gauntlett

What two reasons censorship is

justified by?

Offense and harm

In what year did Graham Coutts

blame the murder of Jane

Longhurst on his download of

internet pornography?


In July 2007, which British man

was arrested and prosecuted in

the UK based on the Obscenity

Act, for publishing a written story

to publish on a US site, entitled

„Girls (Scream) Aloud‟?

Darryn Walker

What did media theorist David

Gauntlett say about the studies

into the harm of media?

Many studies show correlation, but not causation.

Why did the government begun to

force ISPs to block specific file-

sharing sites such as Newzbin

sites and The Pirate Bay, in 2011

and 2012?

Because these sites allegedly made pirated films and music

available for download.

In what year did the UK

Government petition to and

successfully remove 5 Youtube

accounts for terrorist materials?


What are the two key reasons

that justifies media censorship?

Offence and Harm

Offence- As seen on twitter when Liam Stacey tweeted „LOL. F***

Muamba. He‟s dead.‟ After Fabrice Muamba suffered an on-field heart


Harm- This is when consuming a media work will cause you harm

because you are likely to recreate what you see (effects theory). For

e.g. a teenager might think it would be reasonable to carry out violent

act just because they saw their favourite character doing it.

What did David Cameron call

for on social media in situations

such as the London Riots?

Censoring or even temporary “switch- off” of social media

Some politicians discussed the

idea of extending the cleanfeed

to block which websites in 2009,

which has not yet occurred?

Certain Terrorist websites

Which social medias were

extensively during the London

Riot to coordinate violent


Facebook and Blackberry Messenger

Which laws apply to online

content, and are being

increasingly used to stop

defamatory online articles and


Libel Laws and „super- injunctions‟

What did John Gilmore

famously state about the


„the net treats censorship as a defect and routes around it‟