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Q.1 in what ways does your

media product, use develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

• Conventions of comedy films normally consists of:

• humorous dialogue

• various close up shots for facial expression

• characters with problems or difficulties

• high key lighting

• normally affiliated with romance

• a particular environment that most audience are similar with and physical body humour.

• My short film was intended to use conventions from current and previous comedy so it would be recognisable to the audience intended. I chose a drama comedy because it is more realistic than other genres e.g slapstick. Similar conventions can be see from films like ‘The Change Up’ and ‘Big’. These films was similar to the idea we had of our short film before we began shooting. And the movie was very successful and gained various awards.

• As my short Film consist of a characters that are both associated with the same school, we made the school the main establishment where most of the scene happen. I also challenged the conventions of comedy films as the two main character’s do not switch lives at the end

• media product I used and tried to emulate was the Little White Lies review format as its known to be one of the most famous reviewing service in the UK. The layout of their review consists of a rating system which scores a film on anticipation, Enjoyment and retrospect.

They also would place an image of the film at the top half of the review and below that the details on the release date, director and the actors starring within the film can be seen. Normally the text would be written in 3 vertical columns or it would have 1 column with multiple paragraphs. Also the background colour normally would be very bright and would link to the film that they are reviewing.

• My review is very similar to Little White Lies as it has a rating system at the top right of the review, an image of the film at the top of the review page which then would be follow by various paragraphs of the review.

The image that I used is the images used on my poster and I also print screened a scene within the film and added the image to my review, as I felt that this particular print screen is effective and helped the audience understand the character within this character also giving a enigma.
