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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionFilm, TV and Radio

HA4 – Objects of DesireProduction Log



Date Action Taken30/04/14

ResearchThis week I focused on the research for my advertisement, knowing that I wanted to create a shoe advertisement, I now had to decide what style of shoe I wanted to advertise, therefore I looked at a variety of existing advertisements promoting different style of shoe, This also gave me an idea of the typical codes and conventions of a shoe TV advertisement.

07/05/14This week I continued my research, after which I decided that I wanted to create an advertisement for the store ‘River Island’ promoting their high heel shoe range. I then researched a number of existing River Island advertisements, alongside other high street store advertisement in order to gain an understanding of the typical codes and conventions of a high street advertisement.

14/05/14Ideas GenerationThis week I focused on the ideas generation for my advertisement, I created a mind map which featured a number of ideas.

21/05/14 Having come up with a range of ideas last week, this week I needed to decide which idea I would go with so that I could move on to my pre-production stage. Although I really wanted to go with the idea of a model walking through time, starting in the 1940’s which is when ‘Riverisland’ was set up and ending in the modern 2014, this idea wasn’t realistic I terms of the production due to the fact it would be very time consuming and expensive in terms of costume. Therefore I decided to go with the idea of models, modelling the shoes in random environments with a grungy theme.After which I created a detailed story board.

4/06/14Pre-ProductionThis week I focused on the pre-production for my advertisement including creating documents such as risk assessments, production call sheet, shooting schedule, location scouting and production plan.


This week I focused on the filming for my music video. Also although I was supposed to be using 3 models, two of the models had to cancel, therefore I decided that I would just feature the one model throughout the advert instead of trying to find more models.

Location – Rivington

Shot One;The first shot I filmed was a close-up of the models feet walking down a road, although this was a simple shot, it was very time consuming due to the fact we had to wait for the road to be completely clear of any cars, therefore we tried to film this a number of times.

Shot Two:The second shot I filmed was a mid-shot of the models head walking down the road. Again I had to film this number of times to get the right shot.

Shot Three:I then filmed a long shot of the model walking down the road, this was very simple and a lot less time consuming than the previous two shots.

Shot Four:The fourth shot I filmed was a close up of two models feet walking and then moving up to the models walking off, this shot didn’t turn out anything like I envisioned it to and I probably will not use this when editing my advert.

Location – Monton

Shot Five:The next shot I filmed was a long shot of the model leaning against a wall, this particular shot turned out really well and I am very pleased with it.

Shot Six:The sixth shot I filmed was a close – up shot of the models shoes.

Shot Seven:I then filmed a mid-shot of the model and panned down to a close up of the models shoes walking off screen, although this was time consuming due to the fact it was difficult to keep he camera steady whilst panning down, I do feel that after a number of trys filming this particular shot, the shot turned out pretty well. Therefore when editing I will use this shot instead of the previous close up I filmed.

Shot Eight:I then filmed a long shot of the model stood at the top of some stairs. This again was a simple and much less timeconsuming shot.

Shot Nine:The final shot I filmed was a close up of the models feet walking down the stairs. Again because the camera was moving as well as the models feet, this shot was time consuming and it took a number of try’s to get this shot to look good.

18/06/14 Editing

This week I focused on the editing of my advert. Firstly I created a new project in adobe premiere and imported all the footage, the river island logo and the backing track “Skaters – Miss Teen Massachusetts”.

Firstly I inserted the river island logo at the beginning of my advert, lasting approximately 1 second. I then inserted the video transition ‘cross dissolve’ to the beginning of the logo footage.

I then inserted the backing track into the timeline at approximately 1 second when the logo has faded out and cut it down to 30 seconds.

I then added both the lose up of the models feet walking down a country lane, an the long shot, using the razor tool I had both these shots repeatidly jump cutting from one to another.

I then inserted the res of the footage and colour corrected each piece, after which I added the transition ‘Cross dissolve’ to the last piece of footage and added the logo again, ensuring that the advert was exactly 30 seconds long.
