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Table of Contents

Retail Environment .................................................................................................................. 1 Bloomingdales Location Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Consumer Behavior .................................................................................................................. 4 Physiographic research ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Physiographic Board ................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Trend Forecasting .................................................................................................................... 1 H&M wild Craft .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Prada .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Brand Management .................................................................................................................. 1 Blow Away ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Benefit Mental Map ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Retail Management .................................................................................................................. 1 Staffing Schedule .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Merchandise Presentations ....................................................................................................... 1 Floor Plan ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Wall Elevation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Applied Buying ......................................................................................................................... 1 Assortment Plan ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Six Month Plan .........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Operation Statement ............................................................................................................................................................................3 H&M Customer Analysis .....................................................................................................................................................................3

Textile Science .......................................................................................................................... 1 Specific Fiber Content ................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Merchandise Allocation ........................................................................................................... 1 Type chapter level (level 2)...................................................................................................................................................... 2

Retail Environment

Bloomindales Location Analysis

Bloomingdale West Field San Francisco Location Evaluation Location is typically one of the most influential considerations in a customer’s store choice

decision, making the location decision so important. People usually choose to shop at the

location closest to them, for connivence. Also, retailers need location as a competitive

advantage to their competitors. When a retailer has the best location, it attracts more

customers and allows them to receive more business. Lastly, when deciding on a location,

retailers have to be ready to commit to leases. The location decision can be risky, and require


Retailers must take into consideration many options before choosing a location. When

evaluating specific areas for location retailers must consider; economic conditions because it

is important to examine the area’s level and growth of population and employment,

competition because the level of competition in an area affects the demand for a retailer’s

merchandise, strategic fit because the area needs to have consumers who are in the retailer’s

target market, and operating cost because costs can depend on the cities density and

population. The next step in considering a location is the number of stores in an area to

figure out how many stores can be operated in even the largest MSAs. The retailers must

consider trade-offs between lower operating costs and potential sales cannibalization from

have multiple stores in an area. My channel is a shopping mall location.

My channel choose this type of location because it is located inside the Westfield mall and is

enclosed with a controlled climate, lighted shopping centers with retail stores on one or both

sides of an enclosed walkway. The advantages shopping malls have over alternative

locations are for many reasons. First, the merchandise assortments are available within the

stores and the opportunity to combine shopping with entertainment. Shopping malls attract

many shoppers and have a large trading area.

Bloomingdales direct competitors are in the same shopping mall, there are about 4 of their

direct competitors on the same or a few floors away. The store location’s advantages are to

get customers to become returning customers, they can form a relationship with customers

or have them get a in-store card; however, they might not always have all products in stock

for the customers that the online option enables. When customers only shop through non-

store sources there is a huge connivence factor for customers who are unable to travel to the

store, however the store cannot ensure they will return.

Bloomingdales is a multi-channel retailer as it has several locations, and as well the on-line

store and catalogues. The advantages to this are the brand and merchandise is available to all

customers, not just the ones that live in, near, or travel to the area the stores are located in.

Customers can also be assured that if their size or preferred style is not in stock at the store,

it can be found on the online store or catalogue, giving the customer to shop form home if

they wish. The disadvantages are since Bloomingdales relies on personal relationships with

their customers ( such as appointments), they loose that connection to the customer over

online orders.

Consumer Behavior

Physiographic research Customer Analysis Board


After extensive observations and research about young adult male snowboarders, our

team decided that to provide the most insight into our target customer the three best

psychographic models are: VALS, lifestyle dimensions and personality trait theories.

Snowboarders have very strong psychographic characteristics because snowboarding is

their lifestyle, making almost everything else in their life to revolve around snowboarding.

The psychographic model, which describes our target customer best, is a lifestyle

dimension. A snowboarder’s main interest in our case is snowboarding. Their entire life

revolves around it, which creates all their opinions based in the “snowboarding lifestyle”.

The snowboarding lifestyle is a very distinct one. Perhaps this is also why their opinions are

so to the point. They lead a very social and party based lifestyle, which most people do not

agree with. This does not bother them because they believe that no matter what they are

correct. So if this lifestyle is the one, which they have chosen for themselves, then no one has

the right to judge them and try and to change their opinion on it. Even though this lifestyle

involves alcohol and often drugs as well. Because snowboarders are so used to fighting other

people about what they think and how they feel, their attitude is already extremely

defensive. Although they are considered very social, it is hard for them to become close

friends with someone who does not snowboard. It may eventually happen, but it does take

some time.

Young adult male snowboarders can be described in three words: ambitious,

rebellious, and stubborn. These words all describe a snowboarder’s personality in a nutshell.

Snowboarding is like a religion to them and this is the one part of their life over which they

feel as if they have control over. Everything else in their lives bounces around. Very often

they do not like commitment or stability. They find comfort in snowboarding and they have

made that their life goal at this specific life moment. Others may find such comfort with a

relationship or their career, but it is different for snowboarders, because they feel like

snowboarding is something that they can control. A snowboard will never be unpredictable

and leave you or cheat on you. It will also not fire you because you did not perform a trick the

best. Sure the snowboarder may seem disappointed about the fact that they did not land a

trick, but still they are in control and their life outside of snowboarding will most likely not

get affected, unlike it would be if you got fired from your job position. This feeling of control

brings snowboarders even closer to this sport making them want their whole life be based

around it. Snowboarders are definitely into introversion because they base their

snowboarding all around themselves. This is where psychoticism comes into the trait theory.

Snowboarders often have trouble dealing with reality. Not many can make this sport be their

career of choice and many rebels even when they understand that this will not get them very

far and that they need to focus on other goals, which are more achievable in their lives.

The trait theory of personality and lifestyle dimensions both brings us towards

evaluating where snowboarders are on the VALS chart. They are survivors, experiencers, and

believers. We decided that primarily they are survivors because they do not have many

resources and their lives are very narrowly lived due to snowboarding. They are so focused

on the sport that very often they tend to forget everything else. They are also experiencers

because they are extremely impulsive consumers. Being young and enthusiastic about their

life passion sport, they can be easily influenced by what they see in the media. Perhaps it may

be a brand they see flashing on the TV screen, which their favorite actor is wearing, or maybe

it is an ad they saw in a magazine. This consumer group does very little outside research

when it comes to making a purchase as well as being very impulsive towards making all their

purchases. The last category into which they fall is the believers category. Snowboarders

have strong belief systems and base what they do around soul. Soul ridding in snow boarding

is a big factor that helps relate them to their board and the snow, it is the reason they love it.

They have strong principles for what they believe in and will not alter that state of mind for

anyone. This section type favors proven brands, which is dead on for snowboarders.

Snowboarders are all about their brands and labels when they are out in the powder. They

cover their whole body, no one can see or recognize them except for their board with a huge

label across it. They believe in quality over quantity with their products, and only follow

specific brands such as: Oakley, Burrton, Volvo, and North face. They brands significance to

them is more then just a board with a cool design, it relates to their soul ridding. Their board

is who they are and reflects their personalities. The brand helps them achieve that, and they

stick to the few around.

Snowboarders live a very district and private lifestyle that anyone outside of their

realm would find hard to comprehend. Their lifestyle pertains to snowboarding, and

partying. They live a carefree life however; they are also concerned with proving themselves

to the world. Their personalities are concerned about controlling something such as

snowboarding while all other aspects round around untouched or controlled. They are

survivors, experimenters and believers. They survive off what they have, and that is what

makes them complete, experimenter’s because nothing is too big or too hard to try, and

believers because they are so passionate about boarding it apart of their soul. Snowboarders

psychographic is very distinct in their ways and the way they live.

Trend Forecasting

H&M wild Craft Prada Trend Forecast

Brand Management

Benefit Mental Map Blow Away

About us…

Brand Elements

Blow away is a high fashion retailer. The products in the store will include: Avant grade hats,

ready to wear designer hats, lipsticks, shoes and a few dresses. The store will be a boutique

setting. The store will retail high end, designer hats and accessories. It will feature the hats

for the key pieces of the store. However, a select ready-to-wear dresses, accessories and

shoes will also be sold. Lastly sold will be lipstick displayed to cover a whole wall including

every color of lipstick. The store will have few in the country, in major metropolitan, urban

cities. The Logo will be a photo of a girl and her hat is flying away. Also, photos of Isabella

Blow will be used because she is the inspiration of the store. The slogan ‘Blow away’ is

created from Isabella Blows name. It literally refers to how hats blow in the wind and

symbolically that woman should let their entire worried blow away, their hats should let

them do so. The brand will use photos of Isabella blow and tasteful art pieces framed around

the store.

Brand Personality

The personality is a trendsetter woman. She is quirky, fun and always ready to party. She

believes in herself and being an independent woman. She knows she is beautiful and loves to

enhance her beauty with accessories and beautiful things. She is wealthy, hard working, and

confidant. The brand knows who she is, and never worries about the little things in life. They

let their entire worries blow away, embrace what is now and do it beautifully.


Management Staffing Schedule

Merchandise Presentation

Floor Plan Wall Elevation

Applied Buying

Assortment Plan Six Month Plan

Operation Statement H&M customer analysis

Textile ScienceSpecific Fiber



Specific Fiber Content AD #1

Name of product: Stella McCartney dress Season of use: All seasons Specific fiber content: Stretch cotton

1. Hydrophilic, which means that is water absorbent. This is a desirable property for a dress because it will be able to wash in the machine. Also, because cotton dried quickly too.

2. Soft hand, which is that its soft feel touch and texture to the fabric. This is beneficial for dresses because it is comfortable on the body.

3. Drape. Cotton is easy to sew on a machine and drapes well for creating with fabrics. Stella McCartney found the perfect fabric for the dress because they are easy to manufacture.
