Plagiarism jayson blair


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Plagiarism:Jayson Blair

Joseph Vera, Izabel Lopez, Nicole Bendana, Lisa Farmer

Who is Jayson Blair?

Jayson Blair was a New York Times writer who is notorious for his fabrication of fake stories and plagiarism of quotes from other newspapers.

Why did Blair fabricate stories?

Blair created the false stories to get more readers. Blair often wrote about distraught American citizens dealing with the distress of a lost or dead friend or relative. These emotional stories would capture the emotions of his readers

Why did Blair plagiarize?

Blair plagiarized to contribute to his false articles. Blair claimed to have interviews while he really stole quotes from interviews in less popular newspapers.

How did Blair get away with it?

Blair used a location blurring cell phone and laptop to conceal his real location. Blair would claim that he made interviews in other places such as Washington, West Virginia and Cleveland, while he was really in New York.

Was Blair ever caught?

Public officials and colleagues grew suspicious of Blair in October of 2002. In an investigation the next month, it was found that he was making up quotes and scenes. Blair was given a letter of reprimand in April of 2003.


After Blair's fake stories were uncovered, Blair has gained much notoriety. The New York Times even wrote an over 7000 word, front page article calling referring to the event as "a profound betrayal of trust and a low point in the 152-year history of the newspaper." Since resigning from the New York Times, Blair has become a life coach.

CitationThe New York Times. “CORRECTING THE RECORD.” The New York Times.

Dan Barry, David Barstow, Jonathan D. Glater, Adam Liptak and Jacques Steinberg, 2003. Web. 29 August 2012. <>

CBS News. "No Lie, Jayson Blair's New Job: Life Coach." CBS News.CBS News, 2009. Web. 30 August 2012. <>

New York Magazine. "Troubled Times." New York Magazine. Michael Wolff, 2003. Web. 30 August 2012. <>
