Petoskey Chamber Membership Survey results, October 2010




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2010 Membership Survey Results

October, 2010

Presented to Board of Directors

Nov. 9, 2010

Response Rate

Sent to full membership 98-responses received 13% response rate

Business Information

Please indicate your business/organization category:

How many full-time employees do you have at your business/organization?

1 to 5 Employees – 60.2% 6 to 15 Employees – 15.3% 16 to 30 Employees – 4.1% 31 to 50 Employees – 9.2% 51 to 100 Employees – 6.1% 101 to 250 Employees – 3.1% 251 and Above – 2.0%

My business is located in: Downtown Petoskey Central Business District – 24.5% Petoskey City Limits, but not in the Central Business

District – 24.5% Bay Harbor – 2.0% Bear Creek Township – 19.4% Resort Township – 2.0% Harbor Springs Area – 11.2% Alanson Area – 2.0% Pellston Area – 1.0% Outside of Emmet County – 7.1% Multiple Locations – 6.1%

If your business is located in Emmet County, how long has it been there?

How long has your business been under the current ownership?

Less than one year – 5.1% 1 to 3 years – 12.2% 4 to 10 years – 22.4% 11 to 25 years – 31.6% 26 to 50 years – 13.3% 51 or more years – 15.3%

Is your business a home-based business?

The annual gross revenue for your business is:

Less than $250,000 – 32.2% $250,000 to $500,000 – 21.1% $500,000 to $1,000,000 – 13.3% $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 – 20.0% More than $5,000,000 – 13.3%

Economic Information

Over the past three years (2008-2010) your gross revenues have:

Over the next three years (2011-2013) you expect your gross revenues will:

Over the past three years (2008-2010) the number of employees in your business has:

Over the next three years (2011-2013) the number

of employees in your business will likely:

Over the past three years, the issues that have posed the greatest challenges to your business include:

Transportation issues (roads, air service, rail, delivery services, trucking, etc) – 11.2%

Utility services (gas, electric, water, etc) – 15.7% Technology services (broadband, Internet, Wireless, etc) – 21.3% Local Regulatory issues (environmental, zoning, signs, codes, etc) – 12.4% State Regulatory issues (environmental, zoning, safety, codes, etc) – 7.9% Local Taxes – 18.0% State Taxes – 28.1% Federal Taxes – 23.6% Availability of a qualified workforce – 18.0% Health Insurance – 42.7% Tourism Activity – 21.3% Marketing your business – 29.2% General Economy – 78.7%

Greatest Issues – Write-in responses:

Healthcare Reform Public Safety Attitude Increasing Food Costs Federal Regulatory Competition Bike/pedestrian Friendly Area Housing and Mortgage Crisis Financial markets in particular Communications in rural areas Shop Local issues

Over the next three years, the issues that will likely pose the greatest challenges to your business include:

Transportation issues (roads, air service, rail, delivery services, trucking, etc) – 10.2%

Utility services (gas, electric, water, etc) – 13.6% Technology services (broadband, Internet, Wireless, etc) – 14.8% Local Regulatory issues (environmental, zoning, signs, codes, etc) – 10.2% State Regulatory issues (environmental, zoning, safety, codes, etc) – 12.5% Local Taxes – 18.2% State Taxes – 28.4% Federal Taxes – 33.0% Availability of a qualified workforce – 20.5% Health Insurance – 45.5% Tourism activity – 25.0% Marketing your business – 31.8% General Economy – 77.3%

Greatest Challenges – Write-in responses:

Healthcare Reform State, Federal and Local government infrastructure spending

reductions or stagnation Cost of money and/or inflation Financial markets in particular

Chamber Programs & Services

How important are they to your business?

Information you obtain from the Weekly Email:

Sharing information about your

business/organization in Weekly Email:

Business After Hours:

Business Before Hours:

Seminars & Educational Programs

Connecting Women in Business:

Entrepreneur Club of Emmet County:

Political Advocacy Efforts:

Partnership in the Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance for political advocacy:

Chamber website as a tool to promote your business:

Chamber website as a resource for information about chamber events/programs:

Access to Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance Association plans:

Access to MCIM Worker’s Compensation Program:

Golf Outing:

Community Cash:

Operation of the Downtown Visitor Information Center:

Publishing and distribution of the PRCC Visitor’s Guide:

Publishing and distribution of the Community Profile & Membership Directory:

Publishing and distribution of “Northwest Michigan Business” magazine:

Festival on the Bay:

Art in the Park:

Farmers Market:

Chamber Programs & Services

How important are they to the community?

Entrepreneur Club of Emmet County:

Chamber website as a resource for information about the community:

Art in the Park:

Farmers Market:

Breakfast for Champions:

Operation of the Downtown Visitor Information Center:

Leadership Little Traverse:

Festival on the Bay:

Programs Under Consideration

Beginning in 2010 and continuing in 2011, the chamber will continue to implement a new tiered dues structure. How do you feel about this new approach to membership dues?

I Like It – 64.6% I Do Not Like It – 8.5% I’m Not Aware of the Changes – 26.8%

Other Responses: No opinion yet I was aware that it was coming, but not sure how it will affect my business Customization to each business is a great idea It appears to be a money grab It is not that I am unaware, I just can’t remember the change My only struggle with these dues is how different divisions of the same entity are

being charged separate memberships. I didn’t really see the benefit of being listed in the membership directory more than once for a membership.

I am really indifferent Have not had a chance to read about it

How likely would you be to participate in a one-hour long speed networking event?

Very Likely – 4.6% Likely – 34.5% Not Likely – 48.3% Highly Unlikely – 12.6%

How likely would you be to participate in a dedicated email to members to promote your business and services?

Very Likely – 26.4% Likely – 36.8% Not Likely – 29.9% Very Unlikely – 6.9%

Written Responses

Over the next three years, the chamber should focus its political advocacy efforts on…

Pure Michigan Campaign* Education Funding Reform Term Limits Reform Attracting New Business* High Speed Network Better/Less Expensive Travel Resources Health Care* Small Business Support* Tourism* Employment Taxes* Unemployment Rules Stopping sprawl around Petoskey State and Federal Funding for Roads &

Infrastructure Reducing Michigan Business Tax* Continuing to monitor any easing of restrictions

on union organizing processes Encouraging Business Expansion into the


Continued Post Labor Day School Start Encouraging the City to be more Pro-business Encouraging more Pro-business people to

hold offices Economy* Smaller Government Support of Local Advertisement – i.e. Signs Issues that could impact Local & State

Business Fair Tax* Simplification of Regulations* Bike/Pedestrian Paths Reduction of Operating Costs Fairness in regard to recovering taxes for the

state from website sales Bringing Passenger Rail Service to Northern

Michigan Collecting Info on issues for Members

Advocacy Efforts Continued…

Fiscal Responsibility in Government Less Government Intrusion Grants for Business Improvements Increasing Business in Northern Michigan Local Issues* Real Estate Market The Chamber should not be involved in

political advocacy outside of specific issues related to doing business in Emmet County

Over the next three years, the chamber should focus its member programs and services on…

Improving health insurance options* Networking – Involvement* Referral Program (Incentive) Target Marketing (focus on specific

businesses) Business to Business Marketing* Events to bring people to town More statewide promotion Seminars for better business practices* Defining the keys to economic health and

growth of the region Improving members of non-downtown

businesses* Strengthening healthcare

committee/effectiveness Assisting in attracting/retaining businesses Chamber Newsletter* Social Networking Business Conferences

Public Awareness (Important Products or Services)

Teaching new technology* Using new technology to increase business Increasing revenue to members Promoting Petoskey Access of public to services offered How to continue a forever-increasing sense of

community Programs that further enhance educating our

young people Human Resources Education Finding & Retaining Employees Customer Service Training* Shop Local Campaign Creating a weekly Friday night street event Follow through with services & programs,

especially with new members More networking & visibility

Program & Service Focus Continued…

Informing all residents about businesses in the area*

Helping member businesses focus on keeping more money in the community by doing business locally

Creating more support for new members – i.e. Ambassadors to introduce them at events

Less expensive advertising Strengthening the image of downtown Small business education* Internet advertising Service education Events to bring in tourists* Member benefits – i.e. discounts, insurance Events that involve community members in

a social manner

What are the three most valuable programs offered by the chamber?

Downtown Visitors Center* Support of Downtown Management Board Political Advocacy* Overall Directory as a resource CWIB* Health Insurance* Business Directory* Festival on the Bay* Report to the Community Leadership Little Traverse* Support of Downtown Events Programs that bring visitors to the area &

bring the community together Weekly Email* Business Conference Business After Hours* Promoting Petoskey Christmas Open House

Spring Open House Sidewalk Sale Days Networking* Outreach Sense of Community Informative Publications Website* Chamber Support Personnel Seminars for Businesses SCORE Farmers Market Membership Events* Entrepreneur Club Art in the Park General Community Outreach Marketing* Business to Business Connections* Core Mission

If you believe the chamber needs to add or improve programs, which would be the most important?

Small Business Conference – make it an all-day event

Business Retention* Teaching new technology to members and how

to use technology to increase business Programs that increase tourism Programs that improve the downtown

experience Involvement in finding a solution for the “Big

Hole” Visiting area businesses – I haven’t seen

anyone in my business from the chamber in over a year

Cross market training* Knowledge of other businesses/companies More educational seminars targeting the entire

community, not just a portion – i.e. CWIB or Entrepreneur Club

Improve BBH & BAH – they seem more socially oriented than networking

Incorporate the downtown in events, to encourage people to visit and shop

The relationship with the and the direction of the Visitors Bureau is the biggest question

6 to 8 pm for BAH Fashion Shows Local Business Contests Family events might be nice Festival on the Bay

How should the chamber best communicate with your business?

Email* Direct Mail* Announcements at Chamber Events Phone* Annual Face-to-Face Meetings Personal Visit* Involvement of staff in appropriate committees/events Love the Weekly Email Text Fax Packets of info at events Scheduled visits Quarterly Newsletters Delivered handouts
