Palmettosoft social media optimization


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Social Media Optimization

Blog Promotion Video Promotion Google + Facebook Promotion Twitter Promotion Other Social Profiles Creation

Blog Promotion

Blog posts are a great way to generate buzz about your organization/company, build brand awareness and also generated higher search rankings. Within this post, there are many tips to help you create better and more appealing content.

Length: Min 200 words; excluding the title.Frequency: 1 per weekKeyword Density: 1.0%

Title: Should be up to 80 characters, and need to use keywords in the title.Body: Think carefully about the ‘style’ of writing you want to develop. Ensure the blog reflects “who you are.”Internal Linking: Need to link instance of this keyword to an associated/appropriate page within your website.

Video Promotion

One of the fast growing segments of the Internet is Video Promotions. The growth is very understandable when you consider the ever increasing bandwidth gains and corresponding technology that continues to evolve with it. Video not only looks cool, but it brings a more personalized message to the website visitor.

Video Integration steps:Create a videoHost it within free hosting site like YoutubeCreate an I-frame within your sitehost the video somewhere else. This keeps download times fast and Google will better index it, since it owns YouTube.

Google +

Google+ is a social media network run by Google and was launched in June of 2011. For SEO purposes, a Google+ page is highly recommended—especially considering the company behind the name. At I write this, nobody (outside of Google) can prove that having a Googe+ page will improve your Google rankings, but if I had to bet on it, I would (wink). For posting frequency, I like to upload messages on Google+, Facebook and Twitter every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to maintain a general awareness about my company on the social networks.

Facebook Promotion

Facebook is the world’s most popular free social networking website and currently has around 1.15 billion users in the world across 37 different languages. For SEO reasons, the benefits of a business page is better than a personal one.

Build your page - Select a category, upload your logo and web address; write a blurb about your company, and a few other key things and you will have a page in no time.How often to post - Once your page is set up you can be posting as frequently as you want, but remember this: You don’t want to “over post” or “under post.”

What do I post about? - Think about different the ways you can talk to the public. For example, self promotion is good, but you can also do too much of it and ultimately turn off the public

Tracking performance - Facebook has a tool, Page Insights, which allows you to review the performance of your page and it’s audience.

Business Page Creation Steps

Twitter PromotionThe concept behind Twitter is for users to have the ability to quickly blast short messages (up to 140 text based characters) and to also follow other members. In 2012, the network reported over 500 million users with an average of 340 million messages, or “tweets,” per day

Twitter Tips:1. Company profile and bio: Within your Twitter home page, you need to fill out relevant company information and feature a link to a designated page on your website.2. Brand name and awareness:Company name, website URL, or a major service/product you are trying to promote.3. Link building: Putting links in your Tweets can provide inbound link to your site.4. Mentions: Use the “@” symbol before their Twitter username.5. Hash Tags: ex: #skydiving, are a great way to categorize your subject matter and let people search Twitter for the same.6. Twitter icon integration within your Website Template: You have a Twitter image link with any/all other social media icons, and group them together.

Other Social Profiles Creation

Social media profiles give you the opportunity to build brand awareness, talk to the public and also can establish you as an industry expert. You can brand yourself or your business by setting up a profile and uploading a picture and/or logo. Another very important thing to do is interconnect your other social media channels so your message is carried to a larger audience.

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