Overview of Clear Path Employer Services



An overview of Clear Path Employer Services, a Cambridge, Ontario based HR consulting firm that helps businesses to reduce the frequency, severity and unpredictability of human capital losses. www.clearpathemployer.com

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Anna Aceto-Guerin, CHRP

www.clearpathemployer.com(877) CLEAR-04(519) 624-0800

What is What is Human Capital Human Capital Risk Management?Risk Management?

What Companies Need Companies need their employees to create, produce, repair or deliver their

product or service to their customers.

They therefore require the following from their Human Capital: Attendance Productive engagement/work Efficient use of the company’s resources (including their time) Application of their skills, competencies, and training Work done in a safe manner Not be involved in dangerous, inappropriate, or illegal activities Effectively working towards your company’s financial and non-financial


Human Capital is a company’s greatest asset, particularly in today’s “Knowledge Worker” economy. However…

Dealing with employees can be like a game of “Snakes & Ladders”









Health-related: Increase in cumulative musculoskeletal injuries Increase in alcohol and drug abuse Obesity and related illness (heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure)

Political: Increase in awareness of perceived “entitlements” from employees, including knowledge of legislation and Human Rights

codes More aggressive application of legislation by government and more punitive consequences for companies Increased likelihood of pursuing legal action for perceived wrongs

Attitude towards workplace: “Old school” techniques not resonating with technologically savvy younger generation More demand for work-life balance Employees less likely to remain in any one position, or at any one company

Demographic changes: Language and cultural barriers add new challenges Aging population (brings loss of experienced personnel)

Economic: Economic volatility brings more stress, more health claims

Trends Complicating HCRM:

HCRM Approach Never totally eliminate all HC


Proactive management of risks in key areas reduces frequency and severity of human capital losses Fewer “snakes” (shorter tails!) More “ladders”

Clear Path’s approach: Identify areas of HC risk Deploy strategies to mitigate

losses Implement systems to manage

HC risks long-term

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Loss ofa Key Employee


Employee Injury or Illness




Poor Hiring Choices

Liability due to Harassment or Discrimination

Lack of Skills Development

IneffectiveOrientation& Training

Fraud, Theft, or other Illegal Behaviour

12 Key Areas of Human Capital Risk for Employers

Having healthy,

present & engaged


Getting & keeping the right peopleon your team


strengthsof your

teamfor success

Having systems to maintain positive working environment

for all

Four Key Outcomes of Effective HCRM

First Canadian company to focus exclusively on HCRM

Identify, Mitigate, and Manage human capital risks

Unlike traditional HR firms, HCRM specialists deploy risk control techniques that save money by reducing

Reduce frequency & severity of human capital losses

Access to our team of HCRM specialists: Four HR professionals with at least 10 years industry experience Medical professionals (RN, OHN, D.C.) with Disability Management expertise Paralegal professionals for Appeal Representation Network of strategic partners with specialties in Health & Safety, Occupational Health, and

Business Alignment.

Particular specialty in effective WSIB Claims Management

Founded in 2003 by Anna Aceto-Guerin, CHRP

Cambridge head office with customers across the province

Clear Path Employer Services

Who are Clear Path’s customers? WSIB Claims Management:

Typically “blue collar” – manufacturing, trucking Two scenarios:

1. Over 50-100 employees seeing increasing NEER costs, overwhelmed by volume of claims, and/or frustrated by lack of specialized expertise

2. Small company facing complicated WSIB claim and unsure where to start

Human Capital Risk Management: Any industry (“white collar,” “blue collar”) Four scenarios:

1. Small company without HR staff

2. Any size company with HR Generalists who don’t have time and/or specialized expertise to deal with a certain human capital loss exposure

3. Any size company in need of assistance from medical professionals

4. Any size company willing to outsource time-consuming projects such as policy development


Clear Path Employer Services

150 Werlich Drive, Unit 4

Cambridge, Ontario N1T 1N6

(519) 624-0800


