Outthink: changing the way we work and connect


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“All the problems of the world could be settledeasily if men were only willing to think.”Thomas J. Watson

“All the problems of the world could be settledeasily if men were only willing to think.The trouble is that men very often resort to allsorts of devices in order not to think,Because thiinking is such hard work.”Thomas J. Watson

“Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.”Betrand Russell


It takes 3 things to be presentand to work together to produce fire.Oxygen, Heat, Fuel

Thinking and Thinking Organizations requireA similar set of conditions

There needs to be an AtmosphereThere needs to be room to breathe and permission to experiment… and possibly fail.








There needs to be an AtmosphereThere needs to be room to breathe and permission to experiment… and possibly fail.

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”Sir Ken Robinson

To think, you need Heat. This can come in the form of curiosity, a specific challenge. Even passion can supply the heat to get one thinking.

To think, you need Heat. This can come in the form of curiosity, a specific challenge. Even passion can supply the heat to get one thinking.

“Most of us don’t listen with the intent to understand. We listen with the intent to reply”Steven Covey

Thinking requires fuel to have it engage and keep going. This comes in the person of other thinkers who share their insights and thoughts. And in a world of expanding data and information, cognitive systems like Watson can provide the clear view of data that will add the necessary fuel for thinking individuals and organizations.

Thinking requires fuel to have it engage and keep going. This comes in the person of other thinkers who share their insights and thoughts. And in a world of expanding data and information, cognitive systems like Watson can provide the clear view of data that will add the necessary fuel for thinking individuals and organizations.

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” Bill Nye
