Optimizing Workflow in the Office with Square 9 Work XChange



http://www.square-9.com/work-xchange | This document examines how document management software can lead to improved workflow. Records management systems take up less physical space; are more transportable, accessible, and secure than their physical counterparts; and are also fully customizable to meet any individual business’s specific needs.

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Automate the Flow of Documents and Data to Increase Office Productivity For the modern office to function with optimal productivity, it is necessary to make the

upgrade from an outmoded paper-based workflow to an office system that utilizes

document management software and web-based processes. In addition to saving money

on materials and equipment, electronic workflow solutions like Square 9’s Work

XChange also dramatically improve the speed, accessibility, and reliability of your day-

to-day workflow. One major advantage that an e-based document storage system has over a paper-based

workflow is the transportability of data and documents. Hard copies of documents

consume inconvenient and costly amounts of space. Furthermore, they must be accessed

in person and can take days to cross long distances. Using e-files makes sending

documents an instantaneous exercise requiring just a few clicks. No longer do employees

have to leave their work areas to go rifle around in records rooms, but the right people

can access the files that they need from anywhere. Digital searches are far more rapid

than concrete ones, and can be accessed remotely at any time of day. With e-files,

productivity is not restricted to the limited times that the office is open and the time

employees are available. Not only are electronic records easier for the appropriate personnel to access, but they are

also harder for the people that shouldn’t. Individual database permissions can be set to

monitor only the specific archives and documents suitable to each user’s role.

Additionally e-files are immune to loss, theft, accidental destruction, and misfiling. It’s

much easier to break-in to a real file cabinet than a heavily encrypted secure network.

Plus, the more hands that a document has to pass through, the more opportunities there

are for that document to be misplaced, have coffee spilt on it, or be seen by the wrong

people. Further, adapting to a paperless process allows you to better compete with other

businesses that have made the leap. The evolution of business is progressing away from

additional paper processes. In order to keep pace with the modern economic climate, it is

imperative that you be able to integrate your processes with the remote habits of your

clients and customers. Adopting an automated document workflow system like Square 9’s Work XChange

brings an office up to speed with the current business world by optimizing office

processes. Work XChange has customizable modules and templates that allow for any

business, regardless of industry, to create a digital and automated flow of information for

all existing and incoming company documents. It has both user initiated and automated

processes, email integration, date math routing and automated data exporting to ensure

the most efficient workflow possible for any given office or industry. There are no real downsides to making the upgrade. There may be an adjustment period

as everyone adapts to the high-functioning efficiency of a digital document workflow, but

this will be quickly offset by the costs saved and improved overall productivity. Without

even considering the savings on paper and office equipment, plus a lightened impact on

the environment, the best document management software will save a business time and

money in efficiency and improved workflow instantly.